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Mikhail Rozin 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 20081


Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

social problems of development of science and technology, modern socio-political and socio-cultural processes in the North Caucasus, geopolitical processes in the Black Sea-Caspian region, theoretical and applied issues of modeling social processes and interactions.

Research projects:

participation in research work as a supervisor:

“Migration and sociocultural processes in the North Caucasus”

“Cultural and civilizational interactions in the North Caucasus: analysis and forms of their state regulation”

“Ethnic cultural studies as a method for modeling social interactions in the region (on the example of the North Caucasus)”

“Separatist orientations in the North Caucasus and social mechanisms of their neutralization”

 "Formation of a policy and strategy of the formation of a complex interaction of the intellectual potential of the South of Russia with the main subjects of the administrative and economic mechanism of the territory and its integration into the world educational space"

“Social and Cultural Processes in the South of Russia: Analysis and Theoretical Models of Development”

"Socio-cultural dynamics of the South of Russia - the formation, development and ways to enhance the creative (scientific, technical, educational, cultural) potential of the region"

"Predictive assessment of possible conflicts in the North Caucasus region and ways to eliminate them"

"The cultural complex of the Rostov region: history, modernity, prospects"

 “Interaction of civilizations and cultures in the North Caucasus: sociological and cultural studies”

"Modeling the processes of social interactions and problems of national security of the South of Russia"

“Experimental and mathematical methods of psycho-semantic and imitational modeling of group reactions in the conditions of social and political conflict (on the materials of the South of Russia)”

“Cognitive modeling of architecture and dynamics of the Black Sea-Caspian region and its impact on the social instability of the South of Russia in modern conditions”

"Simulation modeling of the cultural complex of the North Caucasus"

"Development of structural-functional and socio-mathematical models of the development of social and geopolitical processes in the North Caucasus, taking into account the risks and threats to national security"

“Analysis of the“ architecture ”and dynamics of the geopolitically unstable regions of the modern world: a cognitive approach (using the example of the Black Sea-Caspian region)” and others.

There are about 50 research topics, projects and programs.


Rozin MD, Sushchy S.Ya. South of Russia: ethno-demographic and migration processes. Rostov-on-Don, ed. SKNTS VS, 2011, 338 p.

Rozin MD, Svecharev V.P. Modern practice of modeling of socially-oriented systems. - R / D: SKNTS VShU SFU, 2014. 115 p.

Rozin MD, Sushchy S.Ya., Tumakova Zh.A. Scientific and educational complex of the South of Russia. Publishing house APSN SKNTS VShU SFU, 10 pp, Rostov-on-Don, 2008

Rozin M. D., Mochtchenko, I. N., Ivanova, M. I., Svechkarev V.P. Certain Tendencies Group Political Attitudes. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2015. T.6. Number 3. S2. pp. 73-81.

Rozin M.D., Svechkarev V.P., Mochtchenko I.N., Ryabtsev V.N., Suschiy S.Y. The Potential for the Proactive Countermeasures against Extremism. Asian Social Science; Vol. 11, No. 6; 2015. pp. 214-220. URL:

Rozin M.D., Ryabtsev V.N., Svechkarev V.P., Sushchy S.Ya., Tumakova Zh.A. North of the XXI century. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 2015. T.6. No. 3. pp. 149-164.

Rozin MD, Svecharev V.P., Olishevsky D.P., Vasilyeva A.A. Problems of modeling the socio-ethno-cultural landscape in the system of regional development // Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2015. N2. URL:


Rozin M.D., Gurba V.N., Dyuzhikov S.A., Ryabtsev V.N., Svechkarev V.P. Cognitive Approaches to Generalized Analysis of Geopolitical Conflicts. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 119. No. 17. 2018, 1459-1463. url:

Tarasenko L.V., Rosin M.D., Svechkarev V.P., Avanesyan K.A. Analogous Graphic Modeling Approach. Media Education, 2018. N 2.

Rozin MD, Ivanova M.I., Moshchenko I.N. Semantic differential as a method of scientific measurement of sensory perception of social processes // Humanitarian and social sciences, 2014 N 2. P. 215-218. URL:

Rozin MD, Svecharev V.P. Problems of system modeling of complex processes of social interaction // Engineering Bulletin of the Don, 2012. N2. URL:

Rozin MD, Ryabtsev V.N., Svechkarev V.P., Kvitsiani D.D. To the problem of forecasting processes in geopolitically unstable zones (regions) of the modern world. // Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences, 2017, No. 5, pp.102-107.

Rozin MD, Ryabtsev VN, Svechkarev VP, Tumakova Zh.A. Conceptual models of countering geopolitical conflicts. // Scientific thought of the Caucasus, 2018, No. 3, pp.28-33.

Md Rozin, V.N. Ryabtsev, D.D. Kvitsiani. On the use of the term "limitrof" in the Russian-language literature of the 1920s – 1930s. and its geopolitical interpretation in the post-perestroika period. // Don Engineering Bulletin, No. 3, 2018.

Only about 70 publications.



First deputy editorial board of the journal “Scientific thought of the Caucasus”, deputy chairman of the editorial board of the Journal “Engineering Bulletin of the Don”, member of the editorial boards of journals: “Caucasiologic papers” (Georgia), “Humanitarian and social sciences”, “Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences”, "Proceedings of the universities. North Caucasus region. Social sciences".

Member of the dissertation council.