Fedor Viktorovich Meschaninov
Training Master
Institute of Earth Sciences
Research projects:
Participated in the creation of a database that contains the results of technical analysis and chemical composition of coal ash and Uglevodorody species, data on the content of associated valuable, technologically harmful and toxic elements-impurities in coals of the main geological and industrial areas of the Eastern Donbass lignite, bituminous and anthracite grades. It also provides information on the restructuring of the coal enterprises and classification of coal mining waste, stockpiled at the dumps of abandoned mines and processing plants. The database allows to analyze the distribution of the petrogenic components, valuable and toxic chemical elements in the coal fields of the Eastern Donbass.
Crystallography and mineralogy
Purposes of development of discipline: studying of a variety of minerals and rocks, knowledge acquisition about education processes, bedding conditions, the building and composition of rocks and also about regularities of their distribution in crust.
Computer technologies and statistical methods in ecology and environmental management.
The purposes of development of discipline are acquisition by the student of theoretical and practical knowledge of computer methods of collecting, storage and processing of cartographic information, obtaining skills of use of the modern intelligence geographical systems, the analysis of the phenomena and processes on the basis of systems approach, ability of use of various types of models for characteristic of the phenomena and their prediction. Use of geoinformation technologies in scientific research and for the solution of a wide range of practical problems of ecology.
Informatics and computer graphics
Purposes of development of discipline: formation at the student of bases of the modern information culture, acquaintance with theoretical fundamentals of computer graphics, obtaining skills of practical work in the graphic editor of CorelDraw, studying of opportunities and technologies of the computer presentation MicrosoftPowerPoint, ensuring ability of work on the personal computer for work with text documents, work with data with use of spreadsheets.
Geographic information systems and technologies
The purposes of development of discipline are acquisition by the student of theoretical and practical knowledge of computer methods of collecting, storage and processing of cartographic information, obtaining skills of use of the modern intelligence geographical systems, the analysis of the phenomena and processes on the basis of systems approach, ability of use of various types of models for characteristic of the phenomena and their prediction. Use of geoinformation technologies in scientific research and for the solution of a wide range of practical problems of geology.