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Oxana Sergeevna Karnaukhova 

Associate Professor

Institute of History and International Relations

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
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Research interests:

Oxana Karnaukhova – PhD, associate professor,  Institute of History and International Relations of Southern Federal University (Russia). The academic background includes BA History, MA Social Psychology and PhD Cultural Studies with the specific interest in Economic Anthropology and Intercultural Communications:

  • Cultural assignments in economic behavior
  • Cultural Diversity, citizenship and belonging
  • Integration projects of European Union and Eurasian Union

The publication list contains papers, chapters and a monograph highlighting the role of extraeconomic factors such as culture and social norms and patterns in the economic behavior at the macro- and mezzo-level.  The achievements in this field are proven through participation and leadership in a number of projects, such as Communicative strategies in multicultural regions, Multiculturalism as the paradigm of the postcolonial development, Super-Diversity and Citizenship in the European Union. 

Research projects:

  • 2016 – 2019 – Jean Monnet Module holder “Super-Diversity, Citizenship and Integration in the European Union”.
  • 2015 – 2017– Jean Monnet Network NEMESIS (Memory and Securitization in the European Union and in the Neighborhood) (University of Amsterdam, University of Bremen, University of Applied Sciences in Vienna, CIVITAS Poland, Southern Federal University in Russia) – project manager.
  • 2013-2016 – Jean Monnet Module “European Union: Designing the Common Space” (project manager).


  • Postcolonial Development in Europe
    The aim of the course is to introduce approaches of coloniality and postcoloniality into the study of contemporary socio-cultural practices. We will consider state, social and cultural transformations through a postcolonial perspective, focusing on three aspects ; identity, citizenship and ideology. The key binary categories in postcolonial theorization, such as hegemony and resistance, and state versus civil society, will be examined along with localised strategies of adaptation, accommodation and collaboration. For this purpose we suggest to apply for the texts of Salman Rushdie as the most representative and being discussed postcolonial author. Students will be asked to reach conclusions about what modifications of cultural identity, citizenship and ideology, if any, are called for in a globalised world by postcolonial discourse and practice. In the course of doing so, they will have to become aware of the different trends in postcoloniality as well as applications of postcolonial theories and critics, as well as transnational perspectives on race, ethnicity and culture.
  • Ethnic Diversity Management in Europe
    The main aim of the course is to familiarize students with how the abstract legal principle of equality is turned into policy and practice in Europe and beyond. Starting from what equality means as a basic legal principle and right in modern democratic systems, the course will move on to critically analyze the policy visions, policy approaches and policy tools used to put equality into practice. Students will be encouraged to analyze documents and other texts; to develop communicative skills and to provide their ability to apply new knowledge to the concrete cases and practices of interaction.