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Elena Lvovna Shchukina 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 12603

Associate Professor

Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

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Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

history, religious studies, cultural studies, social philosophy, political science, sociology,historical and cultural development of Russia in the XX-XXI centuries

Research projects:

interdisciplinary research,  multidisciplinary research, cross-cultural research


  • Culture and religion of the countries of the Eurasian region
    Studied cultural and religious characteristics and traditions of the peoples of South Russia, Crimea, North Caucasus, South Caucasus, Turkey, Iran.
  • Ethnopolitology
    Study the place and role of the ethnic factor in the political life of society
  • The religious system in the modern world
    We study the world's religious systems, non-traditional religious beliefs
  • Political system and culture of the Eurasian region
    Examines the political systems of the Eurasian countries, their political culture and ethno-cultural characteristics
  • Socio-cultural portrait of the region
    Studied socio-cultural, demographic, legal, political development of the countries of the Eurasian region
  • Cultural and artistic resources of the region
    Examines the cultural and artistic resources that are tourist attractions of the region, projects are developed tourist routes
  • Symbolic space region
    Studied cultural symbols, the cultural landscape of the countries of the Eurasian region
  • Multiculturalism in the Eurasian region
    We study and analyze the features of the policy of multiculturalism and theory for harmonization of interethnic relations in the Eurasian region
  • Interdisciplinary project
    Practice-oriented discipline, training preparation and implementation of multidisciplinary research projects
  • Ethnic Culture and ethnopsychology
    Studied ethno-cultural and ethno-psychological features of the peoples of the Eurasian region

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