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Yakov Mikchailovich Erusalimskiy 

+7(903) 432-86-64


Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics, and Computer Science named after of I.I. Vorovich

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

multiplicative discrete convolution operators, graph theory and algorithms on graphs, graphs with restrictions on achievability, combinatorics



Research projects:

Education: higher education - Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Rostov State University (1970), specialty mathematics, graduate school of the Russian State University (1973). Professional activity: Assistant Professor of the Department of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1973-1977, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1977-1981, Associate Professor of the Department of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1981- 1995, Professor of the Department of Algebra and Discrete Mathematics from 1995 to the present.  

Academic degree - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1976), thesis topic "Operators of multiplicative discrete convolution". Doctor of Technical Sciences (2015), specialty "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science", dissertation topic - "Development and research of methods for solving extreme problems on oriented graphs and networks with reachability constraints"

Academic titles: Associate Professor (1983), Professor (2001)

Research topics: the theory of convolution operators, algorithms on graphs and networks. Over 200 scientific and methodological papers have been published. He prepared 10 candidates of sciences (Basangova E.O., Stepovoy D.S., Logvinov S. Yu., Spivak I.G., Skorokhodov V.A., Petrosyan A.G., Kuzminova M.V. Vodolazov N.N., Steinberg R.B., Steinberg O.B.) and one Doctor of Sciences - Skorokhodov V.A. Head of scientific grants for the "Universities of Russia" and "Integration" programs, the competition center "Fundamental Research", co-head from Russia "Telecommunications: South of Russia, science and Education", the individual mobility grant "Tempus -Tacis". Scientific and organizational activity: member of the SFU Expert Council on Mathematics, mechanics and computer sciences, member of the editorial board of the journals "Izvestiya Vuzov. North Caucasus Region", Natural Sciences, Bulletin of St. Petersburg University, series 10 - Applied Mathematics, computer Science, control Theory, "Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics", Bulletin of the VSU. Series: Physics. Mathematics, Tauride Bulletin. Computer Science and Mathematics, Bulletin of Dagestan State University. Series 1. Natural Sciences, member of the Scientific Council of the Southern Federal University, member of the Council of the I.I. Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, member of the personnel Commission of the Southern Federal University, member of the commission of the Scientific Council of the Southern Federal University on personnel policy and work with young scientists, member of the Attestation Commission of the Southern Federal University on the protection of dissertations, member of the FUMO for Computer and information sciences., 

Administrative activity: Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics for Academic Affairs (1983-1985), Deputy Dean for Scientific Work (1985-1986), Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Rostov State University (Faculty of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences of the Southern Federal University) (1988-2008). Curator of academic mobility.

 Awards and honorary titles: Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, (2007), Honorary Worker of Higher Education (2000), Soros Associate Professor (1995-98 (three times)), Soros Professor (2000), winner of the competition of the Dynasty Foundation in the nomination "Mentor of future Scientists" (2007, 2008, 2009), D.K. Ushinsky medal for merits in the development of pedagogical science (2005), winner of the All-Russian competition of textbooks (1998), medal "For valiant labor for the benefit of the Don Region" (2015), medal "For Merits to the Southern Federal University" I degree (2015).

Textbooks: "Mathematics. General course" (Lan, St. Petersburg, first ed. - 2002, 4th ed. -2008)) - winner of the All-Russian competition, "Discrete Mathematics: theory, problems, applications" (ed. 12th, 2011, Moscow), "Discrete Mathematics for Bioinformatics" (SFU, 2011), "Algebra and Geometry: theory and practice" (co-author. Chernyavskaya I.A., SFU, 2011, 2012, 2020 ), " Practicum on Discrete Mathematics" (SFU, 2014), "Pascal's Triangle: Combinatorics and Random walks" (SFU, 2017, Vusobskaia Kniga, M., 2019), "This "simple" mathematics" (SFU, 2018), "Discrete mathematics. Theory and practice" (Lan, St. Petersburg, 2018), "This "simple" and "beautiful" mathematics" (co-author. Malonek G.R. (Portugal), SFU, 2021, 2022), Discrete Mathematics (coauthor. Skorokhodov V.A., SFU, 2023), This "a Simple and Beautiful" Math” (co-author. Malonek G.R. (Portugal), SFU, 2023), "This "simple", "beautiful" and useful mathematics" (co-author. Malonek G.R. (Portugal), SFU, 2024).

Monographs: Graphs with non-standard reachability: theory, applications (SFU, 2008, et al. Skorokhodov V.A., Petrosyan A.G., Kuzminova M.V.), The Bologna Textbook and vice versa (SFU, 2010), Non-standard reachability on oriented graphs: models and algorithms (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2010, co-author. Skorokhodov V.A.), A modern textbook in a changing education system (Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2013), Non-standard reachability on oriented graphs and networks (Palmarium Academic Publishing, 2013).


  • Algebra and Geometry
    The course is divided into sections: analytical geometry on the plane (straight line and its equation, curves of the second order), vectors and operations on vectors, lines and planes in space, the system of linear equations, matrix algebra, determinants theory, complex numbers, polynomials, linear spaces, linear operators, Euclidean spaces, the theory of self-adjoint operators, bilinear and quadratic forms. (textbook "Algebra and Geometry" (Eruslimskiy I.M, Cherniavskaya I.A., Sfedu, 2011))
  • Discrete Mathematics
    Contains sections: propositional algebra, algebra of sets and algebra of predicates, mapping, elements of combinatorics, Relations and Boolean matrix, Boolean functions, the theory of algorithms, graph theory and algorithms on the graphs. Textbook "Discrete Mathamatics: theory, tasks,applycations" (Erusalimskiy I.M. Vuzovskaia kniga, Moskow,12 ed., 2011)