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Elena Yuryevna Bazhenova 

Associate Professor

Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

regional management, regional marketing, economy of knowledge, brand territory, public economics, economic security, economic identity, cognitive economy, economic sociology, interdisciplinary research

Research projects:

1. Internal grant of Southern Federal University, No. 213.01-07-2014/15 "Threats to National Security in Terms of Geopolitical Competition and Models of Aggressive and Hostile Behavior of Youth" (2014-2016) - Research Fellow.
2. International research project of the Institute of Political Sciences of Warsaw University (Poland) "The Political Elites of the North Caucasus: Research and Challenges" (2013-2014) - Research Fellow.
3. International research project of the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland) "Contemporary Science" (2014-2016) - Research Fellow and Coordinator from the Russian side.
4. RFH grant No. 15-02-00441/15 "Economic Identity of the Russian Regions: Conceptualizing the Notion, Development of Tools of Measuring and Comparison, Inclusion in Regional Brand Management" (2015-2017) - head.
5. A project of the Southern Federal University "Development of an Interdisciplinary Socio-Economic and Humanities Research as an Independent Direction of Scientific Search" (2015 continues) ( - Deputy head - Scientific Secretary. 
6. A research project of the Southern Branch of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences "The Russian Everyday Life in Crisis (Regional Aspect)" (2015) - participant.
7. A project of the Southern Federal University "All-Russian Scientific Conference "Interdisciplinarity in Modern Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge" (Rostov-on-Don, 22-23 June 2016)" ( - Deputy Chairman of the organizing Committee, organizer.


  • Economics
    Lectures and practical classes for bachelors in "Foreign Regional Studies - Eurasian Studies"
  • Regional marketing
    Lectures and practical classes for bachelors in "Foreign Regional Studies - Eurasian Studies"
  • Economy, finance and management of the public sector in the region
    Lectures and practical training for the Master's program "Management of regional social and economic systems" in the direction "Regional studies of Russia"
  • Marketing region management technology
    Lectures and practical training for the Master's program "Management of regional social and economic systems" in the direction "Regional studies of Russia"
  • Regional socio-economic systems
    The course is given on the master's program "Management of regional socio-economic systems" in the direction of " regional Studies of Russia"
  • The economy of the countries of the Eurasian region
    The course is taught at the bachelor's program in " Foreign regional studies-Eurasian studies"