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Liudmila Stanislavovna Detochenko 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 21038

Head of the department

Institute of Philosophy and Social and Political Studies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

проблемы социальной жизни, социологии образования, молодежной политики, социализации молодежи.

Research projects:

Один из исполнителей внутреннего Гранта Южного федерального университета "образ Великой Отечественной войны в представлениях студентов вузов" (2015), "противоречия и парадоксы социализации студенческой молодежи в условиях переходного периода современного российского общества" (2016).

Коллективное Учебное пособие "манипуляции в профессиональной деятельности" является лауреатом конкурса "Лучший Учебник для высших учебных заведений" в 2014 году. В 2016 году, в учебнике "социально-психологической помощи людям с социальной дезадаптацией (на основе когнитивно - поведенческий подход)", подготовленный совместно с Уральским Федеральным университетом выиграла конкурс на издание учебных пособий за счет приносящей доход СФУ.


  • Pedagogical bases of work with young people
    The purpose of discipline ; a knowledge of the theory and methodology of educational work with youth, combined with the practical skills to resolve specific social problems in institutions and organizations of the educational sphere. To form a practical willingness to solve tasks of professional activities by means of the course "Pedagogical support of youth work".
  • Existential problems of the youth
    The purpose of the development of the discipline ; to develop in students the idea of existential approach to youth, basic existential issues of youth and technology support difficult life ("border") situations of the youth. Objectives: to Formulate a representation of the students about problem field of existential sociology. To determine the specificity of the methods of sociological research in the study of the existential problems of youth. To give an idea of the philosophical and psychological bases for the existential sociology. To conduct a small survey on one of the existential problems of youth. To introduce the technologies of support of difficult life situations of young people.
  • History and current status of the state youth policy abroad
    The purpose of the development of the discipline ; to develop in students a comprehensive, holistic understanding of the international experience of youth policy as an integral part of social policy in various States. Objectives: - to give students an overview of the international experience of youth policy; - to summarize global experience of state support of youth in the development and implementation of youth policy at different levels, including the activities of international governmental and non-governmental organizations; - to characterize the history, current state of international youth movements and trends in youth cooperation; - to present the main directions of cooperation of youth from different countries; - to identify prospects for international cooperation of youth in the context of globalization.
  • Management in the youth policy
    The purpose of the development of the discipline ; to establish a system of specific knowledge in the theory and practice of management in the youth policy and practical skills to manage intellectual-employment of young people and youth organization.
  • Youth in public-political life
    Objectives of the discipline "the Youth in public-political life of society" is forming: a) concepts of growing importance in society an active social and political position of youth and its civic engagement in the development of modern Russian society; b) basic skills that allow you to analyze the place and role of youth in socio-political life of society.
  • Social projects: organization and management
    The purpose of learning is getting the students knowledge, abilities and skills to develop social projects and programs based on forecasting and modeling processes in the field of social work.
  • Social management
    The goal is the knowledge in the field of theory and methodology of social management combined with practical skills to resolve specific social problems in institutions and organizations of the social sphere through the adoption and development of mechanisms of realization of managerial decisions.
  • Foundations of social education
    The purpose of learning ; the formation of a student base of professional knowledge and holistic understanding of the nature of social education, its organization and forms and about its meaning in the professional activity ; social worker.