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Olga Viktorovna Dmitrieva 

+7(928) 136-04-16

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Research interests:

I am engaged with the research of legal frameworks of the civil liability institute, in particular, with the system of types of civil liability, which are defined from intended purpose and correlation with each other. I am interested in functional purpose of the non-pecuniary damage award as a form of civil liability and in compensation of reputational damage to a legal entity.

Research projects:

I am the author of more than 40 scientific and academic papers. Among them there are the following: monograph “Liability With No-fault in Civil Law” (Voronezh, 1998), I was the head of the multi-authored monograph “Russian State and Legal Framework: Modern Development, Problems, Perspectives” (Voronezh, 1999), the head in Civil Law Practicum, special part (Voronezh, 1998), study guide “Roman Law” (Voronezh, 2010), as well as articles in scientific journals (in particular “State and Law”, “Civil Law” and others),  collection of conference materials. Currently I am working on dissertation to reach the degree of Doctor of Juridical Science. The topic of my dissertation is “The System of Legal Frameworks of the Civil Liability Institute”.