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Mariya Alexandrovna Vyshkvyrkina 

+7(909) 434-88-37

Head of the department

Academy of Psychology and Education Sciences

Senior researcher

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

interpersonal psychology of cognition, social intelligence, emotional intelligence, thinking about the other person 

Research projects:

1. Constructive and destructive types of reactions to the contradictions in the system of ideas about the other person; 

2. Development and testing new modules of the basic educational program for the enlarged group of undergraduate specialties "Education and Pedagogy" (the direction of training - the humanities, story) involving academic mobility of university students in the conditions of the networkinteraction "state contract N on May 14, 2014; 

3. Testing of the new modules of the basic professional educational program of magistracy specialties for the enlarged group" Education and Pedagogy "(areas of training - Psycho-pedagogical education); contract with the Medical University MGPPU number 1 / F-112.058 of 28.6.2014;

4. Humanitarian and technology development model of tolerant relations and the formation of anti-extremist values among young people in a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region of the Russian Federation (2013, SFU); 

5. The national project "Education": The modernization of the educational process through the introduction of master educational program 540605M "Educational Psychology (2008); Preparing the primary master's educational program "Educational Psychology" (2007). 


  • Human psychology
    The purpose of the discipline: to form students' holistic view of modern concepts, issues and areas of psychology, on the structural, systematic and dynamics of the psyche; of man as the subject of activity and knowledge, and to lay the theoretical and methodological foundations for targeted absorption of other psychological disciplines, in accordance with current scientific knowledge. As a basic discipline "human psychology" lays the basic concepts of the origin, development and functioning of the human psyche, thus contributing to the development of other psychological and pedagogical disciplines, whose content reflects the current state of the leading branches of psychology and pedagogy. Contents: Module 1: Basic mental processes Psychology as a science. The subject, psychologists problem. The concept of the method and methodology of science. Basic methodological principles of psychology. The concept of the psyche. The peculiarity of mental reflection as a subjective image of the objective world. The concept of activity. The psychological structure of the individual activities. Sensory-perceptual mental education as a concrete-sensual level reflect the external and internal environment of the body. Sensations and perceptions Attentsionno- mnemonic processes: memory and attention The psychology of thought and speech Affective mental education. Emotions and feelings. Psychology will Representations and imagination Module 2: Individual-typological sphere of personality The concept of temperament individually-typological characteristics of personality. temperaments typology. The concept of nature. Details haraktera. General characteristics of human abilities. Classification abilities. Levels of capacity development. Individual, individuality, personality
  • ICT and statistical methods in psychological and pedagogical sciences
    Objectives of the discipline: - To form students' understanding of the methodology of mathematical analysis of empirical data in the psychological and pedagogical research to develop a selection strategy skills and tactics the organization of mathematical analysis; - Familiarity with the basics of modern information technologies and tedentsiyami their development; - Mastery of the basic techniques of training documents, including electronic; - Preparation of presentation materials technology development, including graphics and multimedia components. Contents Module 1: Introduction to Information Technology Preparation of text and online documentation. Computer networks and the Internet. Preparation of presentations. The graphics and animation. Graphics, multimedia and interactive components of documents and presentations. Module 2: Methodology of statistical analysis in the psychological and pedagogical sciences Statistics and statistical methods. Random variables. Types of scales. General population. Sample. Types of hypotheses. normal distribution curve. Descriptive statistics. Parametric and nonparametric statistical tests. Determination of the significance of differences at the level of the studied trait evaluation of the significance of the test shift at the level of the trait. Correlation. Univariate analysis of variance. Module 3. Data processing: SPSS. The composition of the SPSS program. General view of the program. Overview of statistical features of the program.
  • Counselling personality in the education system
    The purpose of the discipline - the development of certain activities and methods needed to solve practical problems of psychological counseling and the development of personal and professional qualities of the psychologist. Contents: Module 1: General principles of psychological counseling. The concept of counseling, its goals and objectives, the subject. Differences counseling from other types of psychological providing practical help to people, particularly psychotherapy. The objectives and content of the interaction of the psychologist-consultant and the client (social, ethical, moral and psychological purpose). Types of consulting: intimate, personal, psychological and educational, family, business. Module 2: Technology Advisory cooperation. General and special preparations for psychological counseling. The main stages of psychological counseling: preparation, setup, diagnostic, advisory, control. Problem approach to the consultation process: the psychological inquiry, analysis of customer complaints, analysis of the problem situation, identification of problems. Advisory hypothesis consultative history, consultative diagnosis. counseling procedures. Setting step: meeting procedure with the client; overall, emotional and positive customer attitude to carry out consultations; Removing psychological barriers to client communication consultant. Diagnostic stage: the procedure of empathic listening, thinking and client activation of memory reinforcement, clarification of the customer thought, psychodiagnostic procedure. Advisory step procedure: persuasion, explanation, finding a mutually acceptable solution, further details, specification. General characteristics of the interview as the main consultative method, it differs from other methods of work of the psychologist-consultant. The main stages of the interview and their characteristics (establishment of contact and orientation to work, gathering information about the client, the realization of the desired results; development of alternative solutions, a generalization of the results of the interaction of a psychologist). Organizational and methodological techniques consultative interaction during the interview. The impact of psychological counseling as the main content. Types of actions: the interpretation of the directive, information, self-disclosure, feedback, logical sequence, acting resume, open and closed questions, paraphrase, reflection of feelings resume. Work with customer resistance. Performance criteria interview. Individual counseling. Working with the concept of standards of mental development. Positions consultant in collaboration with the client. The algorithm of individual counseling. Key positions of interaction of the psychologist-consultant and the client: on equal terms, "top", "bottom". Warning manipulation by the client. The implementation of a systematic approach in the framework of group counseling. Highlight the most important relations between members of the group (their interaction object) as the practical task of the psychologist. The concept of the art of psychological counseling. The techniques used by the consultant within the framework of the general meeting, the client procedure (first stage of consultation). client meeting rules in consultation. Techniques used within the customer calming procedures, removing the psychological barriers in obschenii.Priemy removal of psychological stress on the client and activate his account at the stage of confession ( "mirroring", "paraphrase" generalization, setting challenging issues, emotional support, etc.). Terms interpreting customer story. Actions consultant when giving advice. Module 3: Features of psychological counseling at various age levels. Counselling younger students. Solution psycho-pedagogical problems of adolescence. Advising students adolescence. The problem of poor progress of the child in the school and its advisory decision (bad start of the child at school, the lack of development of important personal qualities, lack of interest in the teaching). Constructive conflict resolution between adolescents and their parents by finding alternatives. Dealing with challenging behavior of adolescents
  • Psychology of intelligence
    The purpose of the development of the discipline - introduction to the basic concepts and problems of the psychology of intelligence, the formation of the students' scientific outlook, as well as the general scientific, socio-personal, communication and professional competence in accordance with current scientific knowledge and modern demands of education, correlated with the general objectives of the OP IN toward training The problem in the psychology of intelligence Definition of intelligence. Approaches to understanding the nature of intelligence: a phenomenological approach (Köhler, K. Dunker, R. Meili, M. Wertheimer, Robert Glaser, J., Campion, etc...), A genetic approach (UR Charlsvorz, Piaget .... etc.), socio-cultural approach (J. Bruner, M. Cole and S. Scribner, L. Levy-Bruhl, Luria, Vygotsky, and others) and other intelligence Theory: implicit and explicit theory. Models intelligence: intelligence factor models (L. Thurstone, J. Guilford, Charles Spearman, C. Barth, F. Vernon, D.Veksler, R. Cattell.), cognitive intelligence model (R. Sternberg, G. Gardner, MA A. Cold, G.-YU. Eysenck et al.) Formation and development of intelligence. Stages of development of intelligence (Piaget, R. Cattell, J. Xebb, Zaporozhets, NN Poddiakov, El'konin et al.). Problem kinds of intelligence in modern psychology and methods of their study. Disorders of intellect (mental retardation, dementia, mental retardation).