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Tatiana Vladimirovna Korsakova 


Institute of Management in Economic, Ecological and Social Systems

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Management of educational systems; Human Resource Management; Knowledge management in the organization; Interdisciplinary studies.

Research projects:

Designing Mechanisms of Human Potential Development in the Social - Economic System of Higher Education: interdisciplinary aspect.

The leading idea of modern education throughout a person's life with its fundamental core of interdisciplinary causes a transition to a constantly evolving sequence of spaces, providing continuity in the development of human resources of the education system at all levels. Establishing the determining influence of interdisciplinary principle to the formation and development of the organizational-methodical activity space will allow forming a new management mechanism of human resources development in the university. In this space, there is a special interaction of subjects, non-standard relations between representatives of various disciplines who have communication on various cognitive situations are cultivated, and the development of creative activities to achieve the sought-after in the innovation economy of modern educational results takes place.


  • Human Resource Management
    The goal of the discipline is a detailed examination of human resources management processes and methods of analysis and design technologies of organizational human capital development: building a human resource management strategy; the use of modern recruitment and reception technologies; adaptation of new arrivals; employee motivation; evaluation and certification; development and training.
  • Business Communications
    All aspects of modern communications management in the organization starting with the ongoing changes in the new communications environment and ending the communication software management process are considered: Theoretical foundations of business communications and their structure; Diagnosis of the situation in a completely new information and communication environment; Construction of organizational and managerial assets, promotion, coordination and monitoring of the communication process.
  • Corporate social responsibility
    The current concepts, principles and models of corporate social responsibility are considered: Methods of analyzing and evaluating the ethical management solutions; Formation of non-financial reporting of the company and the development of socially responsible business in the implementation of corporate strategies.
  • Creative Leadership
    Modern concepts of leadership. The main functions of the leader. Leadership and management. Motives for leadership. Personal values ​​and personal goals. Directivity of the person and motivation of activity. Psychological types of leadership motivation. Basic regularities of the development of the motivational sphere. Hierarchy of values, goal setting. Personal values ​​and principles. Personal responsibility and stress management. Leadership and creativity. Intellectual prerequisites for creativity. Creativity and personal qualities. Formation of an individual style of creative activity. Self-education as the driving force for the development of creative leadership. The role of external and internal factors in the development of the leader. Communicative skills of the leader Conflict management techniques. Assertiveness as positive communication. Principles of influence. Image of the creative leader. Manage group dynamics. Methods of leadership communication.
  • Methodology of research in Management
    The goal of the discipline " Methodology of research in Management" is to develop students' knowledge and skills of using modern research methods in the field of management practice and to develop a scientifically-based and objective-based approach to the preparation, adoption, and implementation of effective management decisions; the formation of students' knowledge and skills in conducting research, ranging from the formulation of the problem, the choice of research methods, planning and conducting the experiment and ending with the analysis and interpretation of the results obtained; the enforcing the skills of qualified use of modern theoretical and experimental research methods.
  • Foreign Language for Professional Communication
    The goal is the development of a high information culture of a future specialist by mastering the linguistic knowledge and business communication skills used in managing the organization and production, so it is necessary to create conditions for students to consciously learn the basic principles of a foreign language culture, business communication, to acquaint with the main foreign-language ways of conducting business conversation, commercial negotiations, official telephone conversation, business meeting, receiving and communicating with visitors.
  • HSE-management
    The goal of mastering the discipline "HSE-management" is the formation of students' knowledge, skills, and abilities to use modern methods of safe interaction of human resources of the enterprise with the environment, the formation of ideas about the inextricable unity of effective professional activity with the requirements for safety and security of a person.
  • International management and marketing
    The aim is the development of students' knowledge and skills necessary for the preparation and adoption of qualified decisions in the field of international management and marketing. The discipline gives an idea of the basics of international management and marketing, the composition of tasks and decisions made in this area. It analyzes the features of the use of marketing tools in international markets, helps to apply these principles and methods in the practical activities of industrial enterprises and organizations to achieve economic success when interacting with foreign countries.
  • Knowledge management
    The goal of the discipline "Knowledge management (Управление знаниями)" is to form ideas about knowledge management as a modern approach to management; to determine the capabilities and methods of knowledge management for solving strategic and tactical tasks of the enterprise in order to increase its competitiveness; to form the skills necessary for practical solutions to the problems of knowledge management in the enterprise.