Irina Evgenievna Shakhova
Associate Professor
Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
Research interests:
The sphere of professional and scientific interests: social problems of designing residential and public buildings, renovation of industrial facilities, reconstruction of residential buildings, the problem of the formation environment for the elderly, the development of a typology of dwellings, etc.
Research projects:
Worked out conception, programtask and architecturalmodel for implementation of diploma project on a theme the"Child's oncologic rehabilitation center". It was the leader of group on preparation of the Internationalresearch and practice conference "Architecture and ecology". Prepared(in co-authorship) and published theTerritorial building norms of "Building of establishments ofbanks" in the South regional separation of the Russianacademy of architecture and building sciences.From 2007 takes part in research developments ofScientifically-project association the "South town-planningcenter": the Regional and Local norms of the town-planningplanning in municipal educations. Guidance by innovative project works, presented on theRussian and international architectural competitions. Conducts social and architectural researches on theproblems of forming of dwelling for people declining years, tothe questions of development of typology of dwellingsbuilding, reconstruction of industrialterritories and building taking into account principles of"green architecture" and energy-savings. Carried out guidance projects in the architectural competitionof transformation of bank of rivers Don in a parkland, competitionof architectural ideas and creative projects of perspectivedevelopment of Taganrog.
Theoretical bases of planning of dwelling
Social bases of the architectural planning
Project "The Multifunction housing estate"
Project "Reconstruction of dwelling-house"
Project "Pre-project analysis of planning area"
Project "A By volume of-plan decision of planning object"
Guidance by final qualifying work(bachelor)
Guidance by final qualifying work(master's degree)
Project practice(bachelor)
Project practice(master's degree)
Pregraduation practice (bachelor)
Pregraduation practice (master's degree)
Research practice (master's degree)
Practice is in workshops
Pedagogical practice
Architectural planning