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Experimental Mutagenesis Laboratory



The Experimental Mutagenesis Laboratory was organized in 2014 in the Academy of Biology and Biotechnology of the SFedU (Order No. 539-ОД on 29.10.2014), on the basis of a laboratory of the same name, which existed at the Research Institute of Biology of SFedU since 2008. The purpose of creating a laboratory Is the development of scientific, educational and innovative activities in the field related to the study of mutagenesis, DNA damage and repair, and the search for substances capable of protecting DNA from damage in the university. Such studies are relevant for fundamental pharmacology, biochemistry, biophysics and genetic toxicology. In recent years, when planning the research conducted in the laboratory, special attention is paid to the applied aspects in this field, namely, the search for DNA protectors produced by probiotic microorganisms.

The head of the Experimental Mutagenesis Laboratory is the Doctor of biological sciences, leading researcher VA Chistyakov. The team of the laboratory, includes doctors and candidates of sciences, who successfully completed a number of projects supported by the Analytical Departmental Targeted Program, Federal Targeted Programs (FTP), Russian Science  Foundation (RSF) and internal grants of SFedU.