- Karlyshev A.V., Melnikov V.G., Chistyakov V.A. Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B-1895. Genome Announc. - 2014. - V.2. - N 3. - P. e00633-14. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00633-14.
- Karlyshev AV, Melnikov VG, Chikindas ML. 2014. Draft genome sequence of Bacillus subtilis strain KATMIRA1933. Genome Announc. 2(3):e00619-14. doi:10.1128/genomeA.00619-14.
- V. Chistyakov, V. Melnikov, M.Chikindas, M. Khutsishvili, A.Chagelishvili, A. Bren, N. Kostina, V. Cavera and V. Elisashvili. Poultry-beneficial solid-state Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B-1895 fermented soybean formulation// Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health. - 2015. - Vol. 34 (1). - P. 25;28.
- Olga A. Nikiforova, Sergey Klykov, Anna Volski, Leon M. T. Dicks, Michael L. Chikindas. Subtilosin A production by Bacillus subtilis KATMIRA1933 and colony morphology are influenced by the growth medium. Annals of Microbiology 09/2015; DOI:10.1007/s13213-015-1149-3 · 0.99 Impact Factor
- Prazdnova E.V., Chistyakov V.A., Churilov M.N., Mazanko M.S., Bren A.B., M.L. Chikindas, Volsky A. DNA-protection and anti-oxidant properties of fermentates from two bacilli strains with probiotic capacity// Letters in Applied Microbiology, 09/2015; DOI:10.1111/lam.12491· Impact Factor 1,66.
- Chistyakov VA, Sazykina MA, Kolenko MA, Chervyakov GG, Usatov AV Methylene blue as a suppressor of the genotoxic effect of ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of 300-400 nm. // Genetics(Moscow). - 2009. - T. 45, No. 3. - P. 349-353.
- Chistyakov VA, Sazykina MA, Aleksandrova AA, Belichenko NI, Mashkina EV, Gutnikova LV, Zolotukhin PV, Shkurat Т.P. Antimutagenic activity of the plastoquinone derivative, addressed to the mitochondria // Biochemistry(Moscow). - 2010. - T. 75. - N 3. - P. 331-336.
- Chistyakov VA, Prazdnova EV, Gutnikova LV, Sazykina MA, Sazykin IS Superoxidizing activity of the plastoquinone derivative - 10- (6'-plastoquinonyl) decyltriphenylphosphonium (SkQ1) // Biochemistry(Moscow). - 2012. - T. 77. - N 7. - P. 932 - 935.
- Lysenko VS, Chistyakov VA, Zimakov DV, Soyer VG, Sazykina MA.109, Sazykina MI, Sazykin IS, Krasnov VP Separation and mass-spectrometric identification of carotenoids of radioresistant bacteria D. radiodurans // Mass spectrometria. - 2010. - T. 7, No. 4. - P. 278-282.
- Sazykin IS, Sazykina MA, Chistyakov VA A method for the preparation of deoxynanthin, carotenoid Deinococcus radiodurans. - 2013. - Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2475541.
- V.A. Chistyakov, Yu.V. Denisenko. Aging saves populations from extinction in conditions of scarcity of resources: experiments in silico // Biochemistry(Moscow). - 2015. - T. 80, No. 5. - P. 754-759.]//, DOI: 10.1134/S000629791505017X, IF=1.226.
- V.A. Chistyakov, P.V.Zolotukhin, E.V.Prazdnova, I.G.Alperovich, A.V. Soldatov Physical consequences of the mitochondrial targeting of single-walled carbon nanotubes probed computationally // Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. ; 2015. ; N 70. ; С. 198 - 202. DOI: 10.1016/j.physe.2015.03.005, IF=1.550.
- V.A. Chistyakov, Yu.P. Semenyuk, P.G. Morozov, E.V. Prazdnova, V.K. Chmykhalo, E.Yu. Kharchenko, M.E. Kletsky, G.S. Borodkin, A.V. Lisovin, ON Burov, S.V. Kurbatov. Synthesis and biological properties of derivatives of nitrobenzoxadiazoles - potential donors of nitric oxide (II): SOX-induction, toxicity, genotoxicity and DNA-protective activity in experiments on lux-biosensors of Escherichiacoli // RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN. - 2015. - No. 6. - P. 1369 - 1378.
Publications of laboratory staff
- P.V. Zolotukhin, A.A. Belanova, E.V. Celebration, M.S. Mazanko, M.M. Batyushin, V.K. Chmykhalo, V.A. Chistyakov. Mitochondria as a signal node and a target for disabling phenotypes / Biochemistry (Moscow), 2016, Vol. 81, no. 4, p. 465 ; 475.
- Mazanko MS, Chistyakov VA, Zhednova EV, Pokudina IO, Churilov MN, Chmykhalo VK, Batyushin MM Dioxydin induces antibiotic resistance of bacteria / Molecular genetics, microbiology and virology, 2016, N4. Pp. 149-154.
- Y. P. Galvan, I. Alperovich, P. Zolotukhin, E. Prazdnova, M. Mazanko, A. Belanova and Vladimir Chistyakov Fullerenes as Anti-aging Antioxidants//Current Aging Science, 2017, V.10, N 1, P. 56-67.
- VA Chistyakov, EV Vesdnovova, MS Mazanko, MN Churilov, VK Chmikhalo DNA damage and generation of reactive oxygen species by platinum-based drugs: development of resistance to antibiotics in bacteria at Anticancer therapy // Molecular biology, 2017, vol.3 - in press
- Levitskaya E. S., Batiushin M.M., Hripun A.V., Kastanajan A.A., Golovinova, E.O. Gulchenko V.V., Pasechnik D.G., Chistyakov V.A., Dudarev I.V., Shavkuta G.V. Risk of Cardiovascular Death in the Remote Period after Myocardial Revascularization and in Association with Renal Dysfunction /
International Journal of Biomedicine 6(1) (2016) 12-17 - EV Prazdnova, MS Mazanko, PV Zolotukhin, EYu Kharchenko, VA Chistyakov, VA Arutyunov, LS Kozina. The role of the lysine residue in the antioxidant and DNA-protective activity of oligopeptides // Uspekhi Gerontologii T.29 No. 5 P.776-783.
- V.А. Chistyakov, E.V. Prazdnova, E. Y. Kharchenko, S. V. Kurbatov, M. M. Batiushin, E. S. Levitskaya, M. S. Mazanko, M. N. Churilov7-(1-Methyl-3-Pyrrolyl-)-4,6-Dinitrobenzofuroxan Reduces the Frequency of Antibiotic Resistance Mutations Induced by Ciprofloxacin in Bacteria/ International Journal of Biomedicine 6(3) (2016) 228-232.
- Ammar AlGburi, Anna Volski, Carla Cugini, Emily M. Walsh, Vladimir A. Chistyakov6, Maria S. Mazanko, Anzhelica B. Bren, Leon M. T. Dicks, Michael L. Chikindas. Safety Properties and Probiotic Potential of Bacillus subtilis KATMIRA1933 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens B-1895 // Advances in Microbiology, 2016, 6, 432-452.
- Serezhenkov VA, Tkachev NA, Semenyuk Yu.P., Kurbatov SV, Kharchenko E. Yu., Chistyakov VA Derivatives of nitrobenzoxadiazoles - donors of nitric oxide (II): a study with EPR method using spin traps, RUSSIAN CHEMICAL BULLETIN (2017) No. 1 - P.76-82.
- Ammar Algburi, Saskia Zehm, Victoria Netrebov, Anzhelica B. Bren, Vladimir Chistyakov, Michael L. Chikindas. Subtilosin Prevents Biofilm Formation by Inhibiting Bacterial Quorum Sensing// Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins . ; 2016. ; С. 1-10.
- Prazdnova E.V., Mazanko M.S., Pokudina I.O., Chmykhalo V.K., Korinfskaya S.A., Chistyakov V.A. Black tea as a potential inhibitor of mutagenesis in bacteria.// Proceedings of the 7th Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress 2016/Annals Academy of Medicine September 2016, Vol. 45 (Suppl) No. 9; P.148.
- Distribution of drug resistance associated with ß-lactamase genes in K. pneumoniae isolated from outpatient. Prazdnova E.V., Pokudina I.O., Chistyakov V.A., Kovalenko K.A., Shkurat M.A.// Proceedings of the 7th Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress 2016/Annals Academy of Medicine September 2016, Vol. 45 (Suppl) No. 9; P.149.
- DNA protective properties of oligopeptides depend on the presence of lysine in the molecule Prazdnova E.V., Mazanko M.S., Pokudina I.O., Chmykhalo V.K., Korinfskaya S.A., Chistyakov V.A., Kozina L. S. // Proceedings of the 7th Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress 2016/Annals Academy of Medicine September 2016, Vol. 45 (Suppl) No. 9; P.150.
- Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes effect on survival of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Prazdnova E.V., Mazanko M.S., Pokudina I.O., Chmykhalo V.K., Korinfskaya S.A., Chistyakov V.A., Churilov M.N.// Proceedings of the 7th Singapore Health & Biomedical Congress 2016/Annals Academy of Medicine September 2016, Vol. 45 (Suppl) No. 9; P.151.
- Chistyakov VA, Prazdnova EV, Mazanko MS, Churilov MN, Chmikhalo VK DNA damage and generation of reactive oxygen species by platinum-based drugs: experiments in bacteria]// Proceedings of The Tenth International conference on Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems biology (BGRS\SB-2016) Novosibirsk, Russia 29 August ; 2 September, 2016. P.248.
- Mazanko MS, Makarenko MS, Pokudina IO, Cezdonova EV, Mosolova NI, Pilipenko DN, Usatov AV, Chistyakov VA "Can we slow down the telomere shortening of animals with probiotics?" Experiments in Volgograd "// XIV Kurchatov Youth Scientific School (November 8 - 11, 2016) P.87.
- Mazanko MS, Prazdnova EV, Buruyan VN, Chistyakov VA Influence of the time of cultivation on the level of mutagenesis of bacteria // Environment and man. Modern problems of genetics, breeding and biotechnology. Materials of the International Scientific Conference and the Youth Scientific Conference in Memory of the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.G. Matishova (Rostov-on-Don, Russia, September 5-8, 2016) Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the UNSC RAS, 2016. - P.542-544.
- Chistyakov VA, Semenyuk Yu.P., Morozov PG, Prazdnova EV, Kharchenko E.Yu., Chmykhalo VK, Pokudina IO, Kletskiy ME, Borodkin GS, Lisovin AV, Burov ON, Kurbatov SV, Seryozhenkov VA Biological properties of new nitrobenzoxadiazole derivatives - potential donors NO: experiments on bacteria] International Congress “Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology" Sudak, Crimea, Russia, June 1-11, 2016, С. 446.
- E.Yu. Kharchenko, V.A. Chistyakov, Yu.P. Semenyuk, P.G. Morozov, E.V. Celebration, V.K. Chmykhalo, I.O. Pokudina, M.E. Kletsky, G.S. Borodkin, A.V. Lisovin, ON Burov, S.V. Kurbatov, V.A. Serezhenkov, N.A. Tkachev New benzofuroxanes - nitrogen oxide generators / In mat Acta Naturae | Special issue volume 2 | 2016, C. 150 V congress of CIS physiologists V congress of Russian biochemists, Sochi, Russia 4-8 October 2016.
- Gorovtsov AV, Andriyanov AI, Zhednova EV The protective properties of humic acids and their effect on the growth of microorganisms // Proceedings of the III Pushchino School-Conference "Biochemistry, Physiology and Biosphere Roles of Microorganisms." December 5-9, 2016, Pushchino. 2016, P.56-58.
- Mazanko MS, Pokudina IO, Prazdnova EV, Chistyakov VA, Bren AB, Denisenko Yu.V. Database on resistance to antibiotics of isolates of R. Candida fungi, isolated from outpatient patients in Rostov-on-Don. Certificate of state. Registration number 201662148.
- Patent application: Chistyakov VA, Prazdnova EV, Mazanko MS, Belik TV, Chmykhalo VK, Bren AB The method for determining the toxicity of chemicals that generate active forms Oxygen. The application was registered on January 12, 2016 No. 2016100246.
- Chistyakov VA, Prazdnova EV, Chmykhalo VK, Bren AB, Belik TV, Mazanko MS Method for determining the genotoxicity of chemicals. Patent for invention N 2614122, the date of state registration on 22.03.2017. Application No. 2016100247 of January 22, 2016.