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Network University of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Network University of the Commonwealth of Independent States (NU CIS) is an equal cooperation of higher education institutions of the Commonwealth in the field of higher education, carried out in the format of a consortium of educational organizations.

Coordinating university - Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.

9 participating States: Republic of Armenia, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Republic of Tajikistan and Ukraine.

44 institutions of higher education.

32 areas of training.

In 2023 SFedU and ENU named after L.N. Gumilev (Republic of Kazakhstan) signed an Agreement on joint training of Master's degree students in the direction of Master's degree “Tourism" (specialization “Planning and development of tourism at the state level") within the framework of the CIS Network University.

The program involves gaining practical experience in tourism organizations engaged in domestic and international tourism, forming the skills of research, doing project activities in the field of tourism.

Educational and industrial practices are carried out in the leading enterprises of the tourism industry in the South of Russia, including the enterprises of the resorts “Rosa Khutor" and “Krasnaya Polyana".

Basic courses: “Theory and methodology of research and teaching in tourism", “Information technologies in tourism", “Management of tourist destination", “Technologies of organization of tourist activity", “Economics of tourist market".

Special disciplines: “Tourism development in countries and regions of the world", ‘Models and methods of evaluation of historical and cultural potential of territories, ‘Modern problems and strategies of tourism development in the world, ‘Technologies and trends of Smart-tourism, ‘Methodology of socio-economic research in tourism and hospitality, ‘Psychology of management, ‘Foreign language.