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Russian-African Network University (RAFU)

The Russian-African Network University was established to coordinate efforts to promote Russian-African cooperation in the field of education and science.

Currently, it consists of 42 participants (universities, research centres).

Coordinating university in 2023: Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University.

RAFU objectives are: to create a united educational and scientific space, to develop mechanisms for the enhancement of academic and student mobility, as well as to promote intercultural dialogue and mutual enrichment of cultures and languages.

One of the RAFU projects, the Summer Multidisciplinary University, was held for the first time in 2022 for students from Africa studying in Russia. The Southern Federal University held a programme of advanced training in tourism.

The cultural and historical educational programme combined the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for the correct organisation of tourism activities, taking into account all current rules and regulations; as well as an opportunity to apply modern technologies of management and marketing in tourism.

RAFU official website