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International Relations

Southern Federal University is aimed at active entry into the world educational and scientific space and considers international cooperation as one of the priority areas.

The strategic objectives for the University internationalization are:

- improving the quality of education and research;
- preparing students for the global economy;
- expansion of educational services and research export;
- development of academic mobility of students and academic staff;
- development of strategic partnerships with foreign universities, research centers and organizations.
- implementation of SFedU internationalization strategy is based on the following principles:
- openness to international cooperation and partnership;
- openness to international standards and best practices of research and educational activities organization in Russia and abroad;
- participation of the staff in international activities;
- the continuity of international cooperation experience of all staff members and structures that make up SFedU;
- the most efficient use of existing and additional resources in the implementation of the priority areas for international cooperation;
- tolerance, high multicultural and multilingual level as a basis for international cooperation.

Status of SFedU international cooperation and international activities is characterized by wide geography of cooperation, the positive dynamics of development of joint projects, international mobility of students and academic staff is demonstrated below:

R&D collaboration

- 1825  partners
- 4 584 publications co-authored with partners (2016-2021)


1. Foreign partners:
‒ 205 agreements of cooperation with  158 foreign organizations from 39 countries

2. International Associations:
‒ The International Association of Universities (IAU)
‒ The Euroasian Universities Association (EUA)

Distribution of participants in international academic mobility programs by regions


Distribution of foreign teaching staff by regions of the world