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Foreign students of the Southern Federal University took a tour of the park named after Vitya Cherevichkina


Foreign second-year students of the Philology department of the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication visited the excursion "Young Heroes of the War Years" as part of the pre-holiday events for the great Victory Day.

Who is Vitya Cherevichkin and "why pigeons", they were told by Irina Grudanova, senior lecturer at the Department of Russian for Foreign Students.

A group of nine people gathered at the entrance to the park by Vitya Cherevichkin. The starting point of the tour symbolically became a stele with white doves.

Starting to move deep into the lush greenery, the students celebrated the beauty of spring Rostov. Among the trees, a wooden sign "Nakhichevan-on-Don" attracted attention. Unwittingly, the memorial sign allowed us to touch upon the geographical history of the city. Referring to the memories, Irina Yurievna told:

– When there was no western district, this place was the center. Armenians lived in Nakhichevan-on-Don, who were resettled from the Crimea back in 1779. And nowadays the majority of them live here.

Going even further, past the amphitheater and the Alexander Column, the group finally came to the memorial plaque, where the "golden" portraits of young heroes of the Great Patriotic War hung. On the same site there was a bust of the pioneer Vitya Cherevichkin himself.

– At that time, not only football was a popular pastime among schoolchildren, but also "dovecote", – the teacher explained. – During the occupation of the city, the Rostov pioneers created their own Twitter account. Vitya constantly asked his mother for sewing threads. Notes with important information on the legs were delivered by Feathered Airlines. When the Germans found out about this, Vitya Cherevichkin was caught and ordered to kill pigeons. The boy showed courage and released the birds into the wild. He paid with his life for this.

The interactive part of the tour took place in the amphitheater. Irina Yurievna conducted a master class on origami. Foreign students have learned how to make paper pigeons. They were enthusiastically bending paper and discussing their successes in Russian. On the wings of each bird, the students wrote their wishes for May 9: "Hope for world peace", "Happy May 9th" and so on.

Such pigeons not only flew through the phone camera and modern messengers to China or Turkmenistan, but also remained on the monument as a tribute to the memory of the young heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

This is the first time such an event has been held in a face-to-face format. This is a personal initiative of Irina Yurievna.

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