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Vyacheslav Evgenjevich Dolgoy 

Senior lecturer

Institute of Computer Technologies and Information Security

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Research interests:

Mathematical modeling; numerical methods, probability theory and mathematical statistics, the theory of continued fractions, calculations on multiprocessor computing systems.

Research projects:

2007-2010 Postgraduate studies in specialty 05.13.18 "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes".

Since 2016 - responsible on the organization of educational, industrial and pre-diploma practice ( 01.03.02 "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science").


  • Theory of difference schemes
    The branch of numerical mathematics studying methods for finding approximate solutions to differential equations by replacing them by finite-difference equations (difference schemes).
  • Mathematics
  • Probability theory
    The branch of mathematics concerned with probability.
  • Numerical analysis
    Study of algorithms that use numerical approximation (as opposed to symbolic manipulations) for the problems of mathematical analysis (as distinguished from discrete mathematics).
  • Functional analysis
    Branch of mathematical analysis, the core of which is formed by the study of vector spaces endowed with some kind of limit-related structure (e.g. inner product, norm, topology, etc.) and the linear functions defined on these spaces and respecting these structures in a suitable sense.
  • Finite-difference methods
    Numerical methods for solving differential equations by approximating them with difference equations, in which finite differences approximate the derivatives. FDMs are thus discretization methods.