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Tatiana Vjacheslavovna Kugusheva 

Associate Professor

Faculty of Management

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Independent expert of attestation commissions, commissions for holding a competition for vacant positions of the state civil service of the Rostov region


Sphere of practice-oriented interests

Mentoring and supervising student projects (within the framework of SfeduNet intensive courses)
Sphere of scientific interests

Business planning
Business game
Office management and document management
Main-management and main-map
Methods and methodology of scientific research
Process-oriented approach and tools for its implementation
Quality management system and environmental management
Strategic management
Insurance management
Economy and management of national economy

Research projects:

1. from 01.06.2007 till 30.08.2007, the program "Development of new educational programs of the basic (bachelor, master) and further education". CMD "documentation", CMD, tests to academic discipline "Information resources management";

2. from 01.10. 2007 to 15.12.2007, the program "Development of new educational programs of the basic (bachelor, master) and further education". Electronic textbook on discipline "Information technologies in management" (module 3,4)

3. from 01.04.2008 till 30.06.2008, the program "Integration of education, research and innovation activities through the creation of educational scientific innovation complex, "Department of Economics and management. Teaching materials "Organization of research activities"; test tasks of the discipline "the Organization of research activities".

4. with on 07.05.2009 10.06.2009. Preparation of a set of competition application documents for participation of the southern Federal University in the open competition of the Russian FSB for the right to conclude the state contract on rendering of services for state needs for training of specialists of anti-terrorist activities in the master's program "Federal, regional and local levels of management of antiterrorist activity"

5. from 01.02.2011 till 30.06.2011, the "Creation of a business project International black sea intellectual center of the network integration of SFU, as part of the integrated development of the South of Russia, designed to initiate and coordinate scientific and educational activities arising from the combined educational infrastructure of SFU and the resort environment of the black sea coast". Analytical note on "Production step-by-step implementation of the project of the International black sea center of intelligent network integration of SFU"

6. 29.04. 2011 30.06.2011, the program "Creation of infrastructure for the integration of scientific, educational and innovation activities".

7. 19.03.2018-29.04.2018 Electronic educational resources and methods of their use in the educational process 

8. 05.09.2018-19.09.2018 The provision of first aid

9. 15.11.2018-18.11.2018 Innovative economy and technological entrepreneurship


  • Flow of documents
    The goal - the proposed training course is aimed at mastering the basic principles of document management in the enterprise.
  • Mind Management
    The goal - the proposed training course is aimed at mastering the basic principles of the Mind-Management. Objectives of the course: form an idea intelelkt possibility of using cards in the business activities; to form skills of brainstorming using Mind Manager.