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Marina Viktorovna Charaeva 

+7(863) 218-40-00 ext. 13072

+7(928) 296-00-95


Faculty of Management

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Development of the  scientific direction: "Modern conception and methods of financial management".

  • Corporate finance;
  • Financial management;
  • Investment decisions in a control system of corporate finance;
  • The financial analysis in system of financial management;
  • Investment strategy;
  • Investment design and business planning.

Research projects:

I acted as the head of performance of research works within grants:
1. "Development of analytical ensuring investment management for trade enterprises", the research supervisor Charaeva Marina Viktorovna, Dr.Econ.Sci., professor  (contract No. 02/15-vn)
2. "Development of financial security of investment decisions in the conditions of modernization of the Russian enterprises", the research supervisor Charaeva Marina Viktorovna, Dr.Econ.Sci., professor (the protocol No. 1, 2014 of, the contract No. 06/14-vn)

I acted as the head of performance of the following research works on a contractual basis:

1.     "The organization of system of financial control at the Russian enterprises in the conditions of modern financial management" (the contract No. 213.01-14/2017-25, 2017 of of SFU)

2.     "Formation of methodical tools of financial planning as components of anti-recessionary financial management" (contract No. 213.01-14/2016-38, 2016 of of SFU)

3.     "Development of scientifically based offers on formation of investment projects and to their financial security" (contract 1519/15, 2015 of, RGEU (RINH))

4.     "An intensification of activity of trade enterprises on the basis of development of investment management" (the contract 1515/15, 2015 of of RGEU (RINH))

5.     "Information support of adoption of effective financial decisions in the organization" (the contract 4/14, 2014 of of RGEU (RINH));

6.     "Development of financial security of investment decisions in the conditions of modernization of the Russian enterprises" (the contract 1461/14, 2014 of of RGEU (RINH));

7.     "Assessment of financial and economic and investment activity of the enterprise" (2012 of RGEU (RINH));

8.     "Formation of a long-term plan of development of the enterprise" (contract 1251/11, 2011 of of RGEU (RINH));

9.     "Financial diagnostics and formation of the strategic directions of investment by the enterprise" (contract 1190/10, 2010 of of RGEU (RINH)).


  • Practice of management of corporate finance
    The purpose of studying of discipline of "The practician of management of corporate finance" is updating of fundamental knowledge of students in the field of conceptual bases, modern theories of corporate finance and methods of management over them, acquisition of practical skills of management of corporate assets and sources of their financing in interrelation with adoption of effective investment decisions. According to a goal, problems of discipline of "The practician of management of corporate finance" are: • to staticize the methodological principles and theoretical concepts of corporate finance; • to acquaint with current trends, problems of management of corporate finance and approaches to their decision, methods of effective management of assets and investment activity of corporation according to strategy of its development, with features and modern organizational forms of corporate financing; • to show possibilities of tools of cost management, including on the basis of cards of the balanced indicators, in the field of the solution of problems of increase of efficiency of corporate financial management and growth of the price of the company.
  • Financial and investment strategy
    The purpose of studying of discipline "Financial and investment strategy" is receiving trained a complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills concerning development financial инвестицонной in strategy, formation of investment projects. According to a goal, problems of discipline "Financial and investment strategy" are: • research of theoretical bases of strategic investment; • studying of the praktiko-focused techniques of development of financial and investment strategy; • development of investment projects of formation or development of the enterprises; • definition of schemes of financing of projects; • carrying out analysis of efficiency and risk-taking of investment projects.
  • Business game "Project Expert"
    Purpose of development of discipline: formation at students of complex knowledge of real investment and skills of work in PPP Project Expert what in practice development of the investment business plan is result of.
  • Financial management by real investments
    The purpose ; formation at graduate students of knowledge in the field of the theory and practice of financial management by real investments on the basis of a complex research of a scientific perspective of adoption of management decisions in the field of investment and financial security of development of corporations.