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Lidia Aleksandrovna Shilkina 

+7(918) 552-14-20

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Physics

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Research interests:

Shilkina L.A. graduated from the physics department of Rostov State University (now Southern Federal University, SFedU) in 1967. After graduating from the university, she worked on distribution in NIIET (electronic engineering) in Fryazino, Moscow Region. In 1970 Shilkina L.A. returned to Rostov-on-Don and entered the Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Mathematics, now a research institute of physics at SFU, as a junior research fellow at the Department of Crystallophysics. In 1993, according to the results of certification, she was transferred to the post of senior researcher in the department of active materials (now the Department of Intellectual Materials and Nanotechnologies - OIMiNT). In 2014 Shilkina L.A. At his own request transferred to the position of Junior researcher

Scientific activity Shilkina L.A. is aimed on establishing of  the relationships composition-structure-properties  of materials developed in the OIMandNT, which are used in the piezo-technical industry. The results of Shilkina LA published in the central domestic journals ("Crystallography Reports", "Physics of the Solid State", "Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Physical Series", "Inorganic Materials", " Technical Physics", "Technical Physics Letters " "Constructions from composite materials, Ecology of industrial production "), in high-ranking foreign journals (Ceramics International, Physica Scripta T, Ferroelectrics, Journal of Materials Science), in monographs (chapters) published Nova Science Publishers and SPRINGER.

Number of publications Shilkina L.A. in the database RINC-341, including  for the period 2015 - 05. 2017 – 69, the number of citations without self-citations - 960, the Hirsch index for all publications included in RINC-18, without self-citations - 12. Number of publications in Scopus – 173, including for the period 2015 - 05. 2017 – 29, the number of citations without self-citations is 227, the Hirsch index is 12.

Shilkina L.A. participates in all grants and projects of OIM and NT, performing X-ray phase and X-ray diffraction studies developed in the department material.


Research projects:

Principles of organization of functional materials with toroidal magnetic ordering as the basis of quantum storage systems. (mastermind Verbenko I.A.)