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Olga Mikhailovna Krasnova 

+7(928) 141-70-69

Associate Professor

Academy of Biology and Biotechnologies

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

Study of the effectiveness of modern educational technologies in the training of teachers of chemistry and biology; methods of teaching chemistry in school.


  • Methods of teaching chemistry (Bachelor's program "Pedagogical education with two profiles of training ; biology and chemistry")
    The purpose of discipline is theoretical and practical training of students for teaching the subject "Chemistry" in comprehensive schools. The process of discipline is aimed at formation of the following competences: o ability to develop and implement educational programs of basic and elective courses in various educational institutions; o willingness to apply modern techniques and technologies, methods of diagnosing achievements of students to ensure the quality of the educational process ; o the ability to use the opportunities of the educational environment for forming universal kinds of teaching activities and quality assurance of the educational process; o willingness to interact with students, parents, colleagues, social partners ; For the development of the discipline learners use the knowledge, skills, formed in the course of studying of disciplines of the basic part of the professional cycle "Pedagogics", "Psychology", "Age anatomy, physiology and hygiene" and chemical disciplines of the variable part of the professional cycle. The development of this discipline is the basis for the formation of key professional competencies, the subsequent passage of practice teaching, preparation for final state certification. As a result of studying discipline the student should know: • theory and technology of teaching chemistry; • the content of the school subject "Chemistry"; • regulatory documents: state standard and programme for secondary schools; • requirements for school chemistry and composition of the logistics support item; • safety of students when working in the chemistry lab. to be able to: • use the literature and electronic information sources in professional direction; • to consider the pedagogical interaction of various characteristics of students; • to design the educational process using modern technologies, relevant General didactic regularities and peculiarities of development of age identity; • to organize extra-curricular activities; extracurricular activities in chemistry. to possess: • methods orientation to professional sources of information (magazines, websites, educational portals); • skills of planning, design, preparation, conduct and analysis of chemistry; • skills demonstration, chemical experiments and means clarity; • different means of communication in professional pedagogical activity; In the methodical training of future teacher uses traditional technology of higher school (lectures, seminars, laboratory work) and interactive forms ; business games, vocational training, project-based learning, modular technology. In independent work used problem solving tasks, creative work, the implementation of electronic support of a chemistry class, preparing for experimental work.
  • Modern educational technology in the biological and chemical education (Master program "Innovation activity of a teacher in the biological and chemical education"
    The purpose of the course "Modern educational technologies in teaching of biology and chemistry" competence-oriented professional-methodical training of graduates to implement effective educational activities in the field of teaching chemistry on the basis of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the application of modern learning technologies. This discipline develops the theoretical knowledge and practical professional skills, obtained during study of the subject-didactic undergraduate courses, and closely linked with other disciplines of the curriculum of the magistracy, such as "the Content and structure school of chemical education", "Modern problems of science and education Innovative processes in education", etc. The graduate should possess the following professional competences: • ability to apply modern methods and technologies of organization and realization of educational process at different educational levels in various educational institutions; • willingness to use modern diagnostic technology and quality evaluation of the educational process ; • ability to shape the educational environment and use their abilities to the realization of the innovative educational policy ; • willingness to use personal creative flair for original solutions to research problems ; • willingness to develop and implement methodological models, methods, technologies and teaching techniques, to the analysis of the results of the process of their use in educational institutions of different types ; • willingness to systematization, generalization and dissemination of methodological experience (domestic and foreign) in the professional field; • willingness to design new training content, technologies and specific teaching methods . In the result of mastering discipline student must know: • the essence of educational technology, technological approach in education; • the structure and regularities of the learning process of chemistry, structure of cognitive activity in the study of chemistry as a basis for the creation of educational technologies; • methodological and theoretical patterns of selection, structuring and variable creation the content of chemistry courses in high school as a meaningful basis for designing learning technologies; • the main components of a holistic educational technology: objectives, content, teaching methods and knowledge control, principles of their selection and integration in system as well as the basic conditions of efficiency of pedagogical technology; • age and psychological and pedagogical features of cognitive activity of senior pupils, including talented and gifted children enrolled in special classes; • prerequisites for using various technologies in teaching chemistry in accordance with their educational opportunities; • principles of selection of the optimal technologies of training in accordance with the objectives and characteristics of learning of chemistry-specific pedagogical systems; • the main characteristics of the current educational technologies and their specific use in teaching chemistry. to be able to: • make the choice of optimal pedagogical techniques in accordance with the educational objectives; • to implement the methodological design of the training material in the framework of this technology; • to design the technological scheme of the use of different pedagogical technologies in teaching of chemistry; to possess: • the main methodological approaches to the study of basic, core and elective courses of chemistry in high school; • the main means, forms and methods of teaching chemistry as structural elements of educational technology; • knowledge of tools, methods, forms of control knowledge in the teaching of chemistry for the assessment of learning outcomes and the effectiveness of pedagogical technologies;
  • Technology integrated teaching of natural Sciences (Bachelor's program "Pedagogical education with two profiles of training ; biology and chemistry")
    The purpose of the discipline - professional-methodical training of future teacher of chemistry and biology to implement an integrated approach to learning; the mastery of educational technologies that implement the principle of integration in the natural Sciences. The process of studying the discipline is directed to formation and development of educational competencies: o ability to use knowledge about the modern scientific picture of the world in educational activities, to apply metaly mathematical information processing, theoretical and experimental research ; o ability to develop and implement educational programs of basic and elective courses in various educational institutions; o the ability to use the opportunities of the educational environment for forming universal kinds of teaching activities and quality assurance of the educational process; o ability to develop and implement cultural and educational programs. In the result of mastering discipline student must know: • an objective basis for integrating the natural Sciences; • theoretical and methodological basics of integrated approach to the study of natural Sciences in school; • psycho-pedagogical foundations of integration as a didactic principle; • alternative forms, methods and training programs that implement an integrated approach to learning; • basics of the subject contents courses of physics, chemistry, biology, geography as a substantive base for teaching integrated science courses; • features of the methods of teaching integrated courses; • educational technologies that implement the principle of integration in education. to be able to: • to design and simulate the learning process based on the principle of integration; • carry out the selection of educational material, structuring it into an integrated system of concepts; • lead to the selection of optimal organizational forms, methods, means of teaching and monitoring educational outcomes. to possess: • ways of implementing the integrated approach in teaching natural Sciences in school on the basis of regulatory documents (educational standard, curriculum, training programs); • skills of planning, design, preparation, conduct and analysis of the lessons of integrated content; • the utilization of educational technologies on the basis of the principle of integration (project-based learning, problem-based learning, gaming technology, interactive methods).
  • Pedagogical design and modeling in biological and chemical education (Master program "Innovation activity of a teacher in the biological and chemical education")
    The purpose of discipline - to prepare professionally competent specialists able to design the content, learning technologies, monitoring and evaluation, to create a pedagogical model for a specific educational system, to effectively implement the process of teaching chemistry or biology on the basis of this model in different types of educational institutions at different levels of education on educational programs of different levels: • in high school, modern high school (basic and specialized); • in the system of secondary special professional education; • in the system of higher pedagogical education. This discipline prepares future master of professional activity in the conditions of ongoing updates of the content of education, diversification of organizational forms, the variability of the used learning technologies. It must ensure the following tasks: • preparation of a graduate who received a degree (qualification) master's degree, to the solution of urgent educational and research tasks in the field of chemical and biological education; • training in the use of modern technologies of acquisition, processing and interpretation of experimental data; • ability to design and implement the learning process in chemistry or biology and to analyze the results in different types of schools, including specialized secondary schools, vocational schools and secondary specialized and higher educational institutions; • to design and implement in the practice of teaching the new content of subjects; • to diagnose the level of learning and direction of the cognitive interest of the students for designing the content adequate to the request of the students.
  • The content and organization of innovative activity of teachers in biological and chemical education (Master program "Innovation activity of a teacher in the biological and chemical education")
    The purpose of learning arms students with the professional-methodological knowledge in the field of innovative pedagogical activity, formation of skills of competencies that the future teacher of chemistry and biology to implement in independent professional activities, creative abilities, and the ability to detect, analyze, and reproduce an innovative pedagogical experience. Objectives of this training course is: the formation of ideas about pedagogical innovation, its content and assessment criteria of novelty; the expansion and deepening of knowledge of students in the field of General and subject didactics; development of a goal setting procedure on the basis of public and personal query of students to the learning outcomes of chemistry; development of creative potential of future teachers of chemistry in the design of training systems of innovative type. The study of this discipline is aimed at formation and development of the following competencies: - ability of independent development of new research methods, to change scientific profile of their professional activities ;  the ability to buy with the help of information technology and use in practice new knowledge and skills, including in new areas of knowledge not directly related sphere of activity ;  the ability to analyze research results and apply them to solve specific educational and research tasks ;  willingness to use their individual creative abilities for the original solution of research tasks ; As a result of studying discipline the student should know: • the main directions and objects and the maintenance of innovative activity of the modern teacher of chemistry and biology; • principles and forms of organization of innovative activity of teachers in the modern school; • the content of the main methodological approaches of the modern system of teaching chemistry in schools of various types and levels of education; • basic principles of technologization of educational process, criteria of manufacturability; • methodical features of various educational technologies, evaluation criteria innovativeness; • General design principles of pedagogical process that implements specific educational goals. Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: • identify the elements of novelty in the study of pedagogical experience; • assess the degree of novelty and the efficiency of the main components of innovative pedagogical product; • to give a comparative description of innovative and traditional pedagogical object, product or process; • to realize the modernization of traditional content, teaching method, teaching tools through the use of innovative approaches; • to carry out a methodical analysis of the pedagogical experience in teaching chemistry; • to carry out a methodical analysis of their own professional achievements from the point of view of their innovativeness.