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Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Gusakov 

+7(951) 531-21-01

Senior researcher

Research Institute of Physical and Organic Chemistry

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Degree: Candidate of Sciences

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Research interests:

о-quinones, 1,3-tropolones, 1,4-oxazepines, synthesis, biological activity, reaction mechanism, quantumchemical calculations, antibacterials drugs

Research projects:

The Council on Grants at the President of the Russian Federation: N МК-4215.2012.3 «Synthesis, structure and biological activity of new polynuclear heterocyclic systems containing a 1,3-tropolone fragment» (2012-2013, researcher); N НШ-274.2014.3, N НШ-8201.2016.3 «Synthesis, structure, and dynamics of stereochemically non-rigid and non-classical organic and coordination compounds in the ground and electronically excited states» (2014-2017, researcher).

Russian Foundation of Basic Research: N 12-03-31491 мол-а «Experimental and theoretical study of acid-catalyzed reactions of 1,2-benzoquinones with methyleneactive heterocyclic compounds with the aim of developing approaches to the synthesis of hard-to-obtain series of 2-hetaryl-substituted-1,3-tropolone» (2012-2013, principal researcher); N 13-03-00171 а «Controlled stereochemistry of azomethine metal complexes - investigation by X-ray absorption spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and quantum chemistry» (2013-2015, principal researcher); N 14-03-00672 а «Development of a rational synthetic methodology for constructing new polynuclear heterocyclic systems with a tropolone fragment that possess photochromic, fluorescent and antibacterial properties obtained by condensation of 1,2-benzoquinones with methyleneactive compounds» (2014-2016, principal researcher); N 17-53-540003 вьет_а «Synthesis, structural, thermodynamic, and biochemical characteristics of heterocyclic systems with a tropolone fragment» (2017-2018, principal researcher).

The Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation in the framework of the State Assignment for Research project N 4.742.2014/К «Synthesis, the structure of metal complexes of azo-, azomethane and heterocyclic ligands for new magnetic and luminescent materials» (2014-2016, researcher); project N ПЧ0110-11/2017-18 «Computer modeling and synthesis of binuclear complexes of transition metals with switchable magnetic properties on the basis of tetradentate redox-active ligands» (2017-2019, researcher).