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Viktor Pavlovich Belik 

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

Study of fauna and ecology of birds in the North Caucasus and Southern Russia, development of zoogeography and animal protection issues.

Research projects:

Inventory of Key ornithological territories of Russia
Inventory of the Imperial Eagle nests in the European part of Russia
The search for the nest of the Slender-billed Curlew
Accounting for the number and monitoring of the Imperial Eagle site listed in the Red Book of the Volgograd Region
Monitoring of the White-headed Duck and Pelicans entered in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Book of the Volgograd Region, on the Sarpinskiy Lakes system of the Volgograd Region
Numbers accounting, identification of nesting sites and monitoring of the Steppe Eagle and Saker Falcon on the territory of Zavolzhsky Districts of the Volgograd Region


  • Zoology
    Origin, evolution, systematics, ecology, morphology, anatomy, meaning and protection of vertebrates
  • Biogeography
    Features and regularities of the current distribution of plants, animals and their communities on the surface of the Earth, individual continents and oceans. History of the formation of zonal and regional ecosystems, flora and fauna.
  • Natural scientific picture of the world
    History of natural science. Formation of the natural-science worldview as a result of knowledge of the surrounding world by natural sciences. Creation of an integral system of ideas about the general properties and laws of nature