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Biotechnology and bioexamination of products

Master's Degree, D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology

19.04.01 Biotechnology

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

A biotechnologist is a specialist who studies biotechnology in general or in one of its varieties. Biotechnology is a science that studies the possibility of using biomaterials to solve certain technological problems, as well as to implement projects in the fields of food and industrial microbiology, biochemistry and genetic engineering.

The specialization is based on genetics, microbiology, biochemistry, as well as other key areas of biology and embryology. Biotechnology is also based on some applied disciplines, in particular robotics, electronics and instrumentation. The profession is respectable, well-paid and quite ancient. One of the first biotechnologies, by the way, was brewing. Today, the work of scientists and practitioners is focused on solving the problems of medicine, genetics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, industry, industrial ecology, breeding, genetic modification of plants and cloning of animals.

                                                              Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Actual problems of biology

Modern computer technologies

Bioinformatic databases

Mathematical modeling

Food and industrial biotechnology

Genetic and protein engineering

Quality Management

Processes and devices in biotechnology, metrology and standardization of measuring instruments

Methods of practical biochemistry

Bacterial transformations of pollutants


Ecological biochemistry

Genetics of bacteria

Genomic technologies in medicine


Advantages of this study program:

  • Preparation of qualified and competitive masters with deep theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of biotechnology, the use of biological systems for economic and medical purposes.
  • During the training, students will have the opportunity to develop practical work skills under the guidance of highly qualified specialists. A striking feature of the educational process is the performance of experimental work within the framework of course projects, starting from the first year. This allows you to immerse yourself in scientific work from the very beginning of training, get acquainted with the activities of departments, get involved in working on projects, including grants. Another striking feature of the educational process is the existence of practices in organizations and enterprises that allow you to more fully master the relevant competence skills.

                                                                        Prospects. Career & Employment

Key areas: bioengineering is aimed, in particular, at solving medical problems and improving human health; biomedicine is one of the theoretical branches of medicine that studies the human body, pathologies and methods of their treatment; biopharmacology ; works in the interests of pharmacology, studying the features and properties of substances of biological origin; bionics is an applied science based on application of the features of living organisms and the principles of wildlife in technology; cloning ; the implementation of asexual reproduction, obtaining organisms identical in genome; hybridization is the creation of hybrids by combining the genes of different cells into one; genetic engineering is aimed at studying, copying and changing the genome, in particular, DNA transformation.