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Pedagogical psychology

Master's Degree, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.04.02 Psychology and Pedagogical Education

Program length: 2 years (Full time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

Highly qualified specialists with deep knowledge in the field of theoretical and experimental psychology, and who are capable of research and psychological and pedagogical activities, are trained there. The model of the Master's Degree program actually corresponds to two types of professional activity: research and practice-oriented.

The demand for graduates is due to the increasing need of modern society for highly qualified and competent specialists in educational and social psychology, healthcare, etc. The Master's program is aimed at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in the competence model of the graduate to solve a wide range of problems in educational and social spheres; diagnostics, correction and development of psychological characteristics of personality; on counseling and psychological and pedagogical support of subjects of education at different stages of ontogenetic development.

                                                          Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Theoretical and methodological module: Methodology and methods of scientific research organization

Theoretical and methodological module: Actual problems of pedagogical psychology

The module "Psychological and pedagogical support": The main activities of a teacher-psychologist, etc.

The module "Educational and preventive": The basics of psychoprophylaxis in education, etc.

The module "Consultative and diagnostic": The basics of psychological counseling, etc.

Module "Pedagogical": Psychological and pedagogical foundations of spiritual education of children and youth, Industrial pedagogical practice, etc.

Module "Correctional": The basics of psychocorrective work of a teacher-psychologist, etc.


Advantages of this study program:

  • This course will allow you to form a new content of education in the graduate's competence model; develop and implement new learning technologies; apply methods, techniques and means of mastering new programs; contribute to changes in the way of activity and style of thinking, both teachers and students, changes in the relationship between them
  • The training is conducted by highly qualified practitioners, doctors and candidates of sciences.
  • Highly qualified practitioners with extensive experience and knowledge of modern methods and methods of work are involved in conducting practical classes.

                                                                         Prospects. Career & Employment

Our graduates work in educational organizations of various types, in psychological centers, in institutions of science, healthcare, in family centers, in the field of production, business and services, and also continue their studies at the next stage of education - in graduate school. Our graduates' field of professional activity includes work in the educational, social, health care and cultural sheres.