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Management of preschool education

Master's Degree, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Program length: 2 years 6 months (Blended form of study)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

The educational program is focused on training graduates of bachelor's degree and specialty. The program involves the formation of students' personal qualities, as well as universal, general professional and professional competencies provided for by the Educational Standard of Higher Education of SFedU.

                                                                Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Modern problems of science and education

Project activity module

Module "Scientific foundations of preschool education design"

Module "Organization of the educational space of a preschool organization"

Module "Quality management of preschool education"

Module "Monitoring of the educational process"

Module "Managerial culture of the head"


Advantages of study program

  • High demand in the labor market
  • The orientation of the educational program is determined in accordance with the strategic guidelines for the NTI EduNet market
  • Interaction with the Department of Education of Rostov-on-Don
  • Training of modern managers capable of project management of preschool education in the context of challenges of modern education.
  • Innovative technologies of educational activity organization are used in work with students, including individual educational trajectories, comprehensive assessment of achievements (portfolio), master classes, trainings; interactive discussions with leading scientists of Russia and the world are held.

                                                                        Prospects. Career & Employment

Employment in educational organizations, private educational organizations, Education Department. You may also start your own business.