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Instructional design and educational data analysis

Master's Degree, Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Course length: 2 years (Full time mode)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

Training of a teacher capable of designing modern educational products in the logic of the activity approach, collecting, processing and analyzing the digital footprint of students, interpreting data about the educational process and its participants in order to support decision-making.

Core curriculum


Specialization courses

Innovative processes in education

Methods and tools of data analysis

of the theory of learning and the basics of designing an educational environment

Data engineering in the field of education

Modern educational and research platforms, educational and scientific analytics

Pedagogical design and educational project management

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • A unique master's degree program, which has no analogues in the South of Russia in the framework of teacher training
  • The program is implemented with the participation of national-level partners with unique competencies in the field of pedagogical design, Educational Data Engineering and educational analytics
  • The OP team has experience in implementing large-scale offline/online projects in the context of the program focus (SfeduNet, PedHack), expert experience (Archipelago 2121, "Teacher of the Future", etc.).
  • Interactive online learning format.
  • Combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning.


A graduate of the program is a sought;after specialist in innovative educational organizations that are ready to transform in accordance with the requirements of the time.