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Methods of teaching foreign languages in educational institutions of various levels

Master's Degree, Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication

44.04.01 Pedagogical Education

Program length: 2 years (Full time mode), 2 years 6 months (Blended form of study)

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                       Purpose of this educational program:

The Master's program is aimed at students seeking to become highly qualified and competitive teachers who are ready to carry out the pedagogical process methodically competently in educational institutions, considering various methods of teaching foreign languages. The program was developed, considering the needs of the all-Russian and regional labor markets, recommendations of employers and based on regulatory documents regulating the activities of teachers and teachers of a foreign language.

The need for a new generation of teaching staff, especially teachers involved in the training of qualified specialists, is dictated by the need to develop the region in all its directions. The Master's program is designed both for specialists in this field and for those who are starting their way in this profession. The program implies the possibility of self-selection of the learning path.

The training is implemented in two tracks: methods of teaching foreign languages at school and university; applied linguistics and linguodidactics. The program is aimed at people who speak English at least B1-B2.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Psycholinguistic basics of teaching a foreign language

Interpersonal communication: the practice of speech behavior

Language coaching

Spoken English (advanced level)

Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research

Methods of using multimedia and digital technologies in teaching a foreign language

Modern linguodidactics

Track 1: Theory and methodology of teaching foreign languages in secondary schools, Technologies of teaching foreign languages in higher education: andragogical aspect, Structure of modern English: Grammatical aspect, Testing and evaluation technologies in teaching English as a foreign language

Track 2: Communicative grammar and syntax of modern English, Current problems of lexicology and lexicography, Phonology and punctuation of a modern foreign language (being studied) language

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • Practical orientation of the acquired knowledge, skills, competencies; fundamental training in a foreign language, methods of teaching a foreign language and linguodidactics; the use of the latest technologies in teaching; modern forms of practical training; improving the scientific and professional level of foreign language teachers; choosing a learning trajectory
  • 80 % of the subjects are taught in English.
  • A variety of technologies and techniques, modern educational and methodological resources are used in the learning process, allowing you to master the necessary competencies for the successful implementation of pedagogical activities.
  • The educational process is provided by highly qualified teachers of the Southern Federal University, who regularly improve their qualifications in leading domestic and foreign universities. Students will be able to master various methods of teaching a foreign language; introduce innovative teaching methods; to get acquainted with the achievements of domestic and foreign methodological heritage, modern methodological directions and concepts of teaching foreign languages, taking into account language, age and other features.
  • The program has a practice-oriented nature. Objectives of the Master's program: organization of the process of education and upbringing in the field of education, considering the andragogical approach; ensuring the readiness of the graduate to organize research activities in the field of education; organization of educational and industrial practices in institutions of primary, secondary and higher education.
  • The program involves training in two tracks: the first track is the methodology of teaching foreign languages at school and university; the second track is applied linguistics and linguodidactics. Along with deep knowledge of language disciplines, the program involves the implementation of educational projects and research of an applied nature in the field of linguistics and linguodidactics, which will allow applying the acquired knowledge of the methodology in practice in the realities of the domestic education system.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Mastering this program will allow graduates to be in demand in educational organizations of various levels where English is taught. Graduates will also be able to continue their studies in postgraduate and doctoral studies in the field of "Pedagogical Education", "Philology".

Employment prospects: foreign language teacher, specialist in the methodology of teaching foreign languages in educational institutions of various levels; head of the center for the study of foreign languages; specialist of state structures in the field of quality control of education; teacher of private language and consulting centers that provide distance learning, both in Russia and abroad.