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System integration and business process governance

Master's Degree, Institute of Computer Technology and Information Security

09.04.01 Informatics and Computation

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Taganrog

Purpose of this educational program:

The educational program is a tool for mastering professional competencies for successful employment in positions that combine the interdisciplinary nature of the work and perspective guidelines. Graduates of the educational program are in-demand specialists in leading enterprises applying IT solutions in various fields. During educational process students will study Python, Java, Javascript, 1C.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Professional and Academic Communication in Computer Science
  • Methodology of scientific activity
  • Software and hardware of information systems
  • BigData technologies
  • IT project management
  • Research project
  • System analysis
  • Business process management and information technology development
  • Intelligent systems and data analysis
  • Hardware and software components of IT infrastructure
  • Verification and testing of information systems
  • Technologies for the development of automated systems
  • System integration and corporate information systems

Advantages of this study program:

  • Students of the educational program can obtain a set of knowledge combining techniques for creating and applying IT tools and business intelligence methods that allow them to determine the goals of implementing information systems and justify the economic effect of such implementation.
  • Undergraduates with a basic IT education will acquire knowledge, skills and abilities of sound and effective application of information technology to solve business problems.
  • Undergraduates with a basic humanitarian education have knowledge, skills and abilities to effectively solve problems in the subject area using information technology.
  • Academic trainings are held in Taganrog IT companies, partner companies of the educational program, scientific laboratories and departments of the University.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Upon graduation, our future specialists will be able to work as: system integrators, business analysts, IT managers, business process automation specialists, project managers, data analysts.

The field of employment of graduates:

  • programming of desktop, mobile and Web applications, robotic systems and "smart" electronics;
  • management of IT projects (CTO, IT Director, Project Manager);
  • system integration implementation of ERP, MRP, CRM, SCM systems for complex and point automation - activities of companies, in particular including solutions based on 1C and Microsoft;
  • system analytics and design of enterprise architecture and applications.