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Management and empowerment in social work

Master's Degree, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

39.04.02 Social work

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program:

Social care managers have a leadership role in the provision of high-quality care and support services. Managers are expected to lead person-centered, ethical and inclusive services, supporting and promoting individuals' well-being, rights and independence. Empowerment in social work means equipping individuals with the ability and resources to influence their lives and circumstances, fostering power in people for use in their personal, political, and economic situations.

The educational program of the master's degree is aimed at training specialists in the social sphere who are able:

  • to teach people in difficult life situations to realize the important principle of life "help yourself" (empowerment). Undergraduates are trained to develop technologies for activating and mobilizing clients' own resources, mediation and negotiation technologies. The task of the future specialist, by putting himself in the position of those needing help, step by step to move forward with client in search of a solution to his problem;
  • to monitor the means of providing social services that people need. The number of social services is constantly increasing, and with them the freedom of the relevant institutions employees actions is increasing. The specialist's task is to involve clients in the decision-making process in order to increase his well-being in the community.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Empowerment in social work

Methodology of scientific research

Theory and practice of management in social work

Administration in social services

Management of state and municipal projects and programs

Technologies of functioning of social services

Gender studies

Disability studies

Theory and practice of social responsibility

Social work as a space for the formation of friendly environments, communities and relationships

Organization of family policy in Russia and abroad

Advantages of this study program:

  • The uniqueness of the program's theme. Those who put empowerment theory to work tend to use this five-step framework to help marginalized groups and their allies solve problems as Identify problems, Define strengths, Set goals, Implement interventions, Evaluate success on a collaborative level.
  • During studies you will gain such core components of "Management and empowerment in social work" as Self-Determination, Collaboration & Community Engagement and Access to Information.
  • Stable partner base, involvement of leading scientists and specialists.
  • Practical trainings, project and research activities.
  • Distance learning technologies allow you to master the course remotely from installation sessions to dissertation defense.
  • Prospects for employment, internships, and continuing education in graduate school.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Social work management is the management of organisations or enterprises in the social economy and non-profit sector, e.g., public service providers, charities, youth welfare offices, associations, etc. Jobs directly related to your degree include: Education mental health practitioner; Family support worker; High intensity therapist; Social worker.

Our graduates can work in:

  • Public sector (Ministry of Labor and Social Development, administration, municipal employment centers, institutions of social protection, social services, support, patronage, education);
  • Private sector of social assistance;
  • Non-governmental non-profit sector of social work (non-profit associations, resource centers, charitable services and foundations).

Jobs where your degree would be useful include:

Adult guidance worker

Advice worker


Community development worker



Education consultant

Equality, diversity and inclusion officer

Housing manager/officer

Life coach


Special educational needs coordinator (SENCO)

Volunteer coordinator

Youth worker