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Management of Regional Social and Economic Systems

Master's Degree, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

41.04.02 Regional Studies of Russia

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                     Purpose of this educational program:

Training highly qualified specialists ; researchers, analysts, and experts in the field of management of economic, political, socio-cultural and social processes in Russian regions in modern conditions of the emergence of new global challenges and threats, the formation of the digital economy, high social dynamics and the emergence of poorly predicted risks of various nature.

The uniqueness of training in the combination of comprehensive knowledge about the subject ; regional socio-economic systems and mastery of research and expert-analytical competencies.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Actual problems of regional development of Russia

Methodology of the Regional Social and Economic Systems study

Philosophy and methodology of science

State Administration of Territorial Development

Regional and National Security of Russia

Informational and expert-analytical support of regional development projects

Regional socio-economic systems

Marketing research and management technologies of the Regional Social and Economic Systems

Interregional integration

Economy and management of the public sector of the region

Modern technologies for increasing the productivity of Regional Research

Strategic Partner Discipline-1 (Digital technologies for managing regional socio-economic systems)

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  1. The uniqueness of the training is in the combination of comprehensive knowledge of the subject (regional socio;economic systems) and mastering the most demanded competencies: research, expert-analytical and project work skills.
  2. The international character of the program is expressed in the implementation of joint research in the subject area of the program, the reading of courses by foreign partners and the involvement of foreign students from universities ; foreign partners of the program (at least 15%), in the proposed joint scientific publications with foreign partners.
  3. The program meets the priorities of the NTI markets. The program focuses on the diagnosis, forecasting and research of opportunities and threats that form the NTI markets for the regional SES of Russia, with the aim and adoption of adequate management decisions.
  4. Practice-oriented nature of the program, which ensures the professional training of graduates in accordance with the actual needs of the region, who can quickly and competently solve the professional tasks assigned to them.
  5. It is planned to involve practitioners in the educational process, master classes and trainings on conflict resolution are planned.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The success rate of graduates of the program: more than 90% of graduates work in the chosen field; the average salary for potential professional positions in the Rostov region is 42-45 thousand rubles; in Russia as a whole ; 55-60 thousand rubles.*; satisfaction of graduates of the program is close to 100%

Prospective graduates employment: researcher, analyst, expert, advisor, project manager (on economic, political, cultural, legal issues), consultant (on a wide range of issues, from political forecasts to cultural ties with a specific region).

Promising places of employment: business structures in Russia (Russian, foreign, joint); public authorities and management; academic and commercial research centers; expert and analytical departments and services of regional and municipal institutions, public and private organizations; information and analytical units; public organizations; structures of international cooperation (foundations, firms, integration institutions); consulting agencies; institutions of education, science, culture, tourism and leisure.