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03.04.02 Intelligent material physics and ecosystem modelling

Master's Degree, Faculty of Physics (Scientific Research Institute of Physics)

03.04.02 Physics

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

Currently, the most urgent task in Russian educational institutions is the training of highly qualified personnel for research centers and higher educational institutions

But the requirements that are currently imposed on Master's Degree programs presuppose not only training, but also attracting highly qualified young, successful, active and creative employees to research teams of universities and research institutes.

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • Condensed matter physics

Methods of Developing Intelligent Materials: from molecular design to manufacturing engineering

Solid surface and its research methods

Research methodology and management

Materials of various solid-state architecture

Research using mega-class facilities

Processing, analysis and modelling of large volumes of data

Physics of high energies

Modern measurement tools: certification and verification


Advantages of this study program:

  • The Research Institute of Physics of the Southern Federal University occupies a leading position in such branches of science as condensed matter physics, physical materials science, X-ray methods for the study of promising materials (as well as astrophysics and space physics, instrumentation, theoretical physics, crystal physics, etc.).
  • The Scientific School of "Ferroelectric Materials Science" of the SFedU Research Institute of Physics is more than 50 years old and has already educated 5 generations of researchers. During this time, the participants of the School defended more than 60 candidate and doctoral dissertations; published more than 3,000 articles, including in highly rated publications; received about 300 security documents (copyright certificates, patents for inventions) for developed (ferroactive) materials, "overlapping" almost all known piezotechnical applications
  • During the training, students will carry out scientific research at modern scientific facilities of the Research Institute of Physics and in partner organizations of the program.
  • Participation in international scientific events, taking part in the implementation of grants and business agreements, lots of scientific activities in leading highly rated publications.

Prospects. Career & Employment

The main employers for highly qualified personnel are educational and scientific organizations/institutions in the Rostov Region (abroad and in the Southern Federal District). Only in Rostov-on-Don among such organizations are SFedU, DSTU, RGUS, RNRS, Gradient, Quantum. The ‘doors of both partners of the Research Institute of Physics and almost all scientific and educational organizations of the world will be open to the best graduates. Our graduates and employees work in leading research centers in Germany, Canada, Japan, China, etc.