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Biophysics, Bioinformatics and Neurotechnology

Master's Degree, Faculty of Physics

06.04.01 Biology

Program length: 2 years

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

Purpose of this educational program

Bioinformatics and neuroscience are new and promising areas. They lie at the intersection of biology, physics, computer science and mathematics and are a priority for the development of nano-information cognitive technologies, forming breakthrough directions of development of various fields of science and technology and determining the content of the new technological order.

Neuroscience is focusing on topical problems in the development of technologies for the modelling of super complex dynamic systems, including models of neurons and brain structures. These tasks have important applications for medicine and the pharmaceutical industry as well as robotics and artificial intelligence systems.

                                                          Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

  • History of Science ; Biology
  • Modern computer technologies, bioinformatic databases, mathematical statistics
  • The Biosphere and environmental impact assessment of human activities
  • Actual problems of biology 
  • Biophysical phenomena in the nerve cell and nerve tissue
  • Structural and functional bases of functioning of nervous structures
  • Neuro- and bio-informatics
  • Simulation of biostructures
  • Computational neurobiology and simulation
  • Neuroelectronic interface: architecture, algorithms and software applications
  • Experimental neuroscience and signal processing in the nervous system
  • Fundamental problems of neurobiology
  • Brain-computer interface. Neuronal signaling and controlled neuronal signaling
  • Biometric identification. Algorithms and special problem-solving environment in bio- and neuroinformatics
  • Bio-inspired algorithms and calculations. Informational processes in nervous system
  • Simulation of business processes of organization of activity in the field of neurotechnologies: technologies of preparation of projects and grants


Advantages of this study program:

  • Interdisciplinarity. The program presents training courses that allow students to form an integral system of modern knowledge and ideas in the field of bioinformatics and neurotechnology.
  • The result of the training within the framework of this program will be the ability to apply knowledge in the field of bio- and neurotechnologies for setting and solving urgent problems using modern equipment and computing tools, understanding and creative use in scientific and industrial and technological activities of fundamental and applied sections of bio- and neuroinformatics
  • High focus on practice: conducting master classes, organizing practice bases and internships on a wide range of issues and areas, including in educational institutions, research organizations, conducting open lectures by practitioners who have reached great professional heights in this area of activity.
  • The master's program for the first time presents training courses that allow students to form an integral system of modern knowledge and ideas in the field of bioinformatics and neurotechnologies, the development of which is one of the priorities of the state policy of Russia.
  • Uniqueness is provided by a distinctive set of disciplines aimed at the formation of universal and professional competencies, the totality of which is determined by analyzing employers' requests and labor market expectations in this area, is a unique educational product.
  • A feature of the current stage of development of neuroinformatics is the emergence of new directions in the field of integrative and theoretical neuroscience.
  • The result of the training within the framework of this program will be the development of general cultural competencies: ability to creative and systematic thinking, independent acquisition of new knowledge, readiness for active communication in the scientific and industrial environment; general professional competencies: understanding of modern problems of biophysics, the ability to apply knowledge in the field of bio- and neurotechnologies for setting and solving new problems using modern equipment and computing tools; special professional competencies: understanding and creative use of fundamental and applied sections of bio- and neuroinformatics in scientific and industrial - technological activities.
  • Using online technologies and inclusion in the curriculum of online courses.

                                                                          Prospects. Career & Employment

Types of professional activity of the graduate:

Graduates can be employed in organizations that carry out basic and applied research in the fields of bioinformatics and neurotechnology (SFEDU Neurotechnology). Also, the specialists who have completed the training under this program will be employed in companies engaged in the development of artificial intelligence systems and the analysis of large data. In addition, the completed education will allow graduates to work in biomedical (Rostov Cancer Research Institute) and educational institutions.

Graduates of the program will receive the necessary competencies in the fields of biophysics, bioinformatics and neurotechnology, which will allow them to work, for example, on creating fundamentally new communication and control channels in the Brain-Brain and Brain-Computer interfaces ["Мозг-мозг" и "Мозг-компьютер"] based on a combination of principles of biological objects and artificial intelligence methods. This is combined with the objectives of the National Technology Initiative approved by the President of the Russian Federation and aimed at achieving global technological leadership by 2035.

Graduates will be able to work successfully in leading research organizations, for example, the Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, as well as in large companies of the NeuroNet market.