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Russia-Caucasus-Middle East: history, culture, international relations

Master's Degree, Institute of History and International Relations

46.04.01 History

Program length: 2 years  

Language of study: Russian

Place of study: Rostov-on-Don

                                                       Purpose of this educational program:

The concept of program is based on understanding the processes of historical development, the formation of a high level of civic consciousness, intelligence and culture of qualified specialists in the field of history and the history of international relations, capable of providing a high degree of knowledge of global processes and relations between Russia and the countries of the Caucasus and the Middle East.

The concept of the program corresponds to the tasks of modernization of education, is based on complexity, openness, interdisciplinarity, generalization of historical, political and cultural experience

Core curriculum


Specialized subjects

Problems of the history of the countries of the Caucasus and the Middle East

The Caucasus and the Middle East in Russia's Foreign Policy (XVII-XXI centuries)

Culture of the Caucasus and the Middle East

Caucasus and the Middle East in the system of international relations (XX-XXI centuries)

Source expertise

Applied humanities research

Military potential of the Caucasus States

Migration processes in the Caucasus and the Middle East

The South Caucasus and the Middle East in the foreign policy of regional Powers

History of social movements and political parties of the South Caucasus States

National policy of the Russian Empire in the Caucasus

National policy of the USSR and the Russian Federation in the Caucasus

Among the advantages of this study program are:

  • The program integrates elements of several areas of training within its framework, allowing students to receive high-quality education and research skills, analytical activity.
  • Development of cooperation with foreign and Russian partners - universities and research centers, including countries of the studied region.
  • Scientific projects and conferences.
  • Opportunity to choose an individual training track ; history, culture or international relations.
  • The program was developed jointly with Yerevan State University.
  • The learning process is flexible, individualized, project-oriented with the use of distance forms.

Prospects. Career & Employment

Employment in government departments, federal and regional public authorities and administrations, international organizations, Russian and foreign business structures, non-profit and public organizations that maintain international relations or deal with international issues, editorial offices of mass media, educational organizations of higher education with international issues, academic and research organizations of international profile, museums, libraries, archives.