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Vladimir Petrovich Trut 

Personal page in Russian:
Personal page in English:

Research interests:

V.P . Trut, doctor of historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of national history.XX-XXI centuries.

V P Trut  is a major expert in the field of national history of modern times (XX - early XXI century.) and the history of the Cossacks of the twentieth century.

V. Р. Trut is the author of more than 280 scientific and educational works. He published more than 250 scientific works, including 22 monographic studies (12 individual and 10 collective), 1 encyclopedic edition, articles in scientific collections, journals, four encyclopedias, more than 30 educational and methodical works, including 12 textbooks, including one electronic, and textbooks (in co-authorship).

  Scientific articles published in journals indexed in the international bibliographic and abstract databases Scopus and Web of Science.

The number of citations in the scientific base of the Russian science citation index is more than 600.

H-Index Is 10.

 V. P. Trut reads a number of General lecture, special and elective courses for bachelors, students, undergraduates and postgraduates of the faculty of history ("National history of modern times. Part 1. 1917-1952", " Domestic history of modern times. Part. 2.1953; 2015", "History of foreign policy of Russia of modern time", "Cossacks of Russia at the beginning of the XX century and the period of revolutions of 1917", "History of the don Cossacks of the XX century".and others), directs the work of a special seminar ("Problems of domestic political development and foreign policy of Russia in the twentieth; beginning .  XXI century), scientific work of bachelors, students, undergraduates and postgraduates.

   The main scientific and educational-methodical work:

    Cossack break. (Cossacks South; East of Russia in the early twentieth century and during the revolutions of 1917.). Rostov-n / A,1997. ; 14.9 printed sheets.

    The Cossacks of Russia during the First world war. Rostov-n / A, 1998. ; 4.65 printed sheets.

    Cossacks: origin, essence, realities, prospects. Rostov-n / A, 1998. ; 2.5 printed sheets.

    Essays on the traditional culture of the Cossacks of Russia. In 3 volumes. Krasnodar, 2002 ; 2005. - 94 printed sheets (in co-authorship).

    The Cossacks of Russia during the October revolution and at the initial stage of the Civil war. Rostov-n / A, 2005. - 11 printed sheets.

    Dear glory and loss. Cossack army in the period of wars and revolutions. M., 2007. ; 40 printed sheets.

    History of Russia (IX ; XX CC.). Textbook. M., 1999. ; 40 printed sheets (co-authored)

    National history. 1917 ; 2001. Textbook for universities. M., 2002. ; 36 printed sheets (in co-authorship).

    Cossack. Encyclopedia. M., 2003. ; 42 printed sheets (co-authored).

    Encyclopedia of cultures of the South of Russia. Vol.1. Rostov-n / A, 2001. ; 30 printed sheets (co-authored).

    History of the don Cossacks. Textbook for higher education. Rostov-n / A, 2008. ; 26 printed sheets (co-authored).

    Military encyclopedia of Cossacks. M.,2009. ; 44 of the printing sheet. 

    Cossacks of Russia in three Russian revolutions.Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co., 2012. - 26 printed sheets.

Supervises graduate students :A. Maigurom, M.Ephraimovoi, M. Medvedevum, S. applicant Nowackim.

Supervises project activities of students on projects:

- Russia during the wars and revolutions of the twentieth century

-- Actual problems of Russia's foreign policy of the XX-early XXI centuries

Is a Member of the working group of the Rostov region in the Commission of the southern Federal district Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Cossacks, the Russian military historical society, the Historical Council of East Kazakhstan "all-great army of the don" East European historical society.

He is the editor-in-Chief of the international historical military scientific journal" Propaganda in the World and Local Conflicts "(editorial office of the journal is located in Bratislava, Slovakia).

He was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation.

Has letters of thanks of the Rector of SFU.

Research projects:

Cossacks. Encyclopedia,

Military encyclopedia of the Cossacks;

Encyclopedic dictionary of the peoples of Southern Russia;

 Cossacks of Russia in the period of wars and revolutions of the twentieth century


  • History of modern times. Part 1. 1917-1952
  • History of modern times. Part. 2.1953 ; 2015
  • The history of the foreign policy of Russia of the newest time
  • Problems of Russian foreign policy of the twentieth ; the beginning of the XXI century
  • Actual problems of domestic history of the twentieth ; the beginning of the XXI century
  • The Cossacks of Russia in the early twentieth century and the revolutions of 1917
  • History of the don Cossacks of the twentieth century
  • History of modern times. Part 1. 1917-1952
  • History of modern times. Part. 2.1953 ; 2015
  • The history of the foreign policy of Russia of the newest time
  • Problems of Russian foreign policy of the twentieth ; the beginning of the XXI century
  • Actual problems of domestic history of the twentieth ; the beginning of the XXI century
  • The Cossacks of Russia in the early twentieth century and the revolutions of 1917
  • History of the don Cossacks of the twentieth century