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Alexander Fedorovich Pozharskii 


Faculty of Chemistry


Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

Graduated in 1961 from the department of organic chemistry of Rostov State University. After training as a postgraduate student under supervision of professor A.M. Simonov got PhD degree (Candidate of Chemical Sciences) in 1963. In 1972 he defended Doctor of Science dissertation. Both dissertations were devoted to the chemistry of nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds. In 1968-1969 he experienced at the University of East Anglia in the physical methods in organic chemistry under the leadership of the famous English and later American scientist prof. A.R. Katritsky. He published several books and articles with him. Since 1975, Professor, since February 1981 and until now - Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the Rostov-on Don University (from 2007 Southern Federal University). The main scientific interests lie in the field of chemistry of heterocyclic compounds, theoretical organic chemistry and chemistry of strong organic bases, primarily proton sponges. In the field of applied chemistry, quite prolonged time was working under the synthesis of surface-active and biologically active compounds. Author or co-author of 34 inventions, 420 scientific articles and ten books. Among the latter are Theoretical Foundations of the Chemistry of Heterocycles (“Chemistry” publishing house, Moscow, 1985), Molecules-rings (“Chemistry”, Moscow, 1993), Handbook of Heterocyclic Chemistry (Pergamon, Amsterdam, 2000), Heterocycles in Life and Society (J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, the first edition of 1997, the second - 2011, in 2004 the book was reprinted in Greece as a textbook for students of biomedical specialties). He was a visiting professor at the universities of Antwerp, Bratislava, Vilnius, Riga, Kiev, Donetsk, Wroclaw, Szczecin and a number of Russian cities. Under his leadership, 35 Candidates and 4 Doctors of Science has got their scientific degrees. He is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds publishing in Latvia. Citation index: h = 19 (according to the Scopus database). In 2009 by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation he was awarded the title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation".


  • Organic Chemistry
    general course
  • Theoretical Foundations of Organic Chemistry
    special course