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Vladimir Victorovich Lukov 

+7(905) 485-12-90

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Research interests:

The area of primary scientific interest is electronic and structural properties of inorganic transition-metal polynuclear complexes and supramolecular structures as well as directed synthesis of novel magneto-active materials. Magnetic studies to 4 K, single crystal anisotropy, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, optical and EXAFS spectroscopy, paramagnetic NMR studies. These techniques are generally employed to elucidate chemical, structural and bonding features of mononuclear and polynuclear compounds including spin-crossover, zero-field splitting effects and magneto-structural correlations in exchange-coupled systems.

Research projects:

1. Design of molecular magneto-active compounds based on complex physical-chemical monitoring and quantum-chemical modeling of polynuclear coordination exchange-coupled system's magnetochemical behavior.

2. Design, quantum-chemical modeling and synthesis of coordination architectures with polyfunctional abilities


  • General course of Physical Chemistry
    Physical chemistry is the study of macroscopic, atomic, subatomic, and particulate phenomena in chemical systems in terms of the principles, practices and concepts of physics such as motion, energy, force, time, thermodynamics, quantum chemistry, statistical mechanics, analytical dynamics and chemical equilibrium. Physical chemistry, in contrast to chemical physics, is predominantly (but not always) a macroscopic or supra-molecular science, as the majority of the principles on which it was founded relate to the bulk rather than the molecular/atomic structure alone (for example, chemical equilibrium and colloids). Some of the relationships that physical chemistry strives to resolve include the effects of: Intermolecular forces that act upon the physical properties of materials (plasticity, tensile strength, surface tension in liquids). Reaction kinetics on the rate of a reaction. The identity of ions and the electrical conductivity of materials. Surface chemistry and electrochemistry of cell membranes.[1] Interaction of one body with another in terms of quantities of heat and work called thermodynamics. Transfer of heat between a chemical system and its surroundings during change of phase or chemical reaction taking place called thermochemistry Study of colligative properties of number of species present in solution. Number of phases, number of components and degree of freedom (or variance) can be correlated with one another with help of phase rule. Reactions of electrochemical cells.
  • Magnetochemistry of Coordination compounds
    Of the many techniques available to coordination chemists, the measurement of magnetic moment has been one of the most consistently useful. For teaching purposes it provides a simple method of illustrating the ideas of electronic structure, and in research it can provide fundamental information about the bonding and stereochemistry of complexes. The object of this course is to provide an introduction to the more important aspects of magnetochemistry. The treatment is certainly not intended to be exhaustive and detailed references have been omitted, although the way into the original literature can be found through the more comprehensive books and reviews which are cited. Of the various approaches which have been used to explain the magnetic properties of coordination compounds, the most fruitful is that based on a consideration of the effect of ligands on the spectroscopic terms of metal ions. Most students of chemistry start with a background understanding of their subject based on the concept of orbitals of definite shapes and energies, and it is the electron occupancy of these orbitals which is the basis of Valence Bond and simple Crystal Field theories. Unfortunately the transition from these to the more abstract consideration of spectral terms is often the cause of appreciable difficulty to the more practically minded student explanations. It Magnetochemistry is the study of the ground states of metal ions. When the ions are not interacting, then the study of single-ion phenomena is called paramagnetism. When the metal ions interact, then we are concerned with collective phenomena such as occur in long-range ordering. The subject of magnetism is one of the oldest in science, and the magnetic properties of atoms and molecules have concerned physicists and chemists since at least the turn of the century. It can be argued that magnetism is the key to understanding quantum mechanics, at least in the pedagogical sense, for so many physical phenomena can be understood quantitatively in this discipline.

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