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SFedU Conducted an Educational Exhibition in Mexico


From 17 to 19 May in Mexico City the International Exhibition "Education and Science in Russia" was organized by Southern Federal University with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the assistance of the Cuauhtemoc Municipal District of Mexico City

14 exhibition modules of leading Russian universities and two Russian centers of regional importance were presented at the exhibition. The main objectives of the International Exhibition "Education and Science in Russia" were popularization of the Russian language, education and science in Latin America and the Caribbean; establishment and development of international contacts in the humanitarian, natural-science, engineering, technological, information and educational spheres; establishment of partnerships with universities and other educational institutions in the Region; Expansion of the export of Russian educational services to the countries of the Ibero-American region and attraction of foreign applicants for training in Russian universities. The event was attended by about 6 500 visitors and there were about 9 000 – virtual tours.