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SFedU Students at All-Russian Court Dbates


On April 20-21 students of the Law Faculty took part at the All-Russian court debates that were held at Kazan Federal University.

The competition had several stages, each of which was estimated by writing a Memorandum on a complicated case story that included elements of different law branches, basis for the own legal position as complainant and defendant, the ability to competently and convincingly comment on the position of your opponent, to put questions to the opponent, interaction with the court, evaluation of evidence and in-depth knowledge of the process.

Special attention deserves the performance of the team of Southern Federal University at the stage of selection of evidence. Members of the jury awarded the highest level of quality selection, it was the best result in the history of the all- Russian judicial debate. Thus a worthy debate performance brought the team of SFedU a long-awaited and deserved win.