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Межстрочный интервал




Language as a System and Activity


Within the framework of the annual South Russian Scientific Readings, September 28-October 1, the Institute of Philology, Journalism and Intercultural Communication of the Southern Federal University holds the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Language as a System and Activity-6", dedicated to the memory of famous Russian linguists Alexei Savchenko, Maria Milykh and Thomas Khazagerov

Conference Issues

1. General issues of the methodology of linguistics.
2. Comparative, contrastive and typological studies.
3. History of Russian and other Slavonic languages.
4. Active processes in modern languages and their research; Analysis of trends in the development of the Russian language at the beginning of the XXI century.
5. Contemporary issues of functional and communicative grammar.

6. Linguistics of the text and the structure of discourse: artistic text, business communication; Legal linguistics; Scientific communication; Texts of mass communication and advertising; rhetoric; Language as an instrument of power; Texts of religious style.
7. Culture of speech: orthologic, communicative, ethical aspects.
8. Ushua, norm, creativity: facets of interaction. Language identity, idiocy, idiostyle. Language game and ways of its implementation in texts of different functional orientation.
9. Actual problems of sociolinguistics.

10. Modern vision of linguocultural problems, ethnospecificity of linguistic consciousness, language picture of the world and its main concepts; Lexicon, phraseology, paremic as a reflection of national identity; Cognitively oriented study of cultural-specific forms of communication.
11. Actual issues of studying folklore, dialect and traditional culture.
12. Teaching of linguistic disciplines in higher and secondary schools.
13. Russian as a foreign language and the methodology of teaching it in modern conditions (modern educational technologies in the teaching of RCTs, functional-communicative interpretation of linguistic phenomena, Russian as a non-native in the modern geopolitical paradigm, problems of intercultural communication, and the organization of the educational process in a foreign audience).