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SFedU Scientists Developed a System of Early Diagnosis of Arthrosis


The Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology of Southern Federal University using the biochemical and immunological blood test developed the system, which allows to evaluate the susceptibility to the development of post-traumatic arthrosis.

Osteoarthritis in the early stages may not show symptoms, but in the later — cause that the patient will become invalid. In such cases, complete replacement of the joint with an artificial one is needed. According to researchers, it is much easier to regularly assess the state of the joints and to select an appropriate therapy with the help of Orthopaedic Trauma specialist. The developed test system determines the risk of posttraumatic gonarthrosis, based on the characteristics of the genome of the patient. The system is of interest to athletes and doctors working with them.

The project was presented at «Generations 2015» — federal technology startups accelerator. The test system entered the top 20 best in the country in BiotechMed track of declared 380.