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SFedU will launch seven new laboratories within the framework of the Priority 2030 program


The results of the laboratory competition within the framework of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program "Priority 2030", which aims to support promising teams and topics, have been summed up at the Southern Federal University.

It was decided to create 7 new laboratories – frontier, youth, research, including in the field of intelligent materials, agro-climatology (genetics, environmental and food security), and social programming.

• The frontier Laboratory of X–ray Spectral Nanometrology, headed by Soldatov Alexander Vladimirovich (Professor, PhD, Professor of the International Research Institute of Intelligent Materials), will become the center of a complex non-destructive in-situ and operando nanometrological X-ray spectral diagnostics of the parameters of the local atomic structure of materials using modern instrumental methods, including research on synchrotron radiation sources, which has no analogues in the world the latest generation.

• Frontier Laboratory "Bioengineering of the Rhizosphere" – Project manager Rajput Vishnu Dayal (PhD, Leading Researcher at the D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology). Among the key tasks of the laboratory are screening diagnostics and analysis of processes occurring in the rhizosphere in the presence of heavy metal nanoparticles, nanocarbon fertilizers and nanocarbon materials using synchrotron-neutron methods and NBIC technologies.

• Youth Laboratory of Applied Bio- and Algotechnologies – Project manager Ekaterina Kravchenko (PhD, Postdoc at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Leading Researcher at the D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology).

With the help of the author's equipment – a reactor for hydrothermal carbonation of biowaste, a technology for producing hydrogels with high sorption properties from microalgae will be developed. Cultivation of microalgae using wastewater has several advantages: wastewater treatment, production of hydroglue, carbon sequestration.

• Youth Laboratory of "Regenerative Agriculture" – project manager Anatoly Vadimovich Barakhov (PhD, researcher at the laboratory "Soil Health" of the D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology). The aim of the project is to develop technological solutions to increase soil fertility and improve the ecological condition with the widespread introduction of zero tillage in the south of Russia.

• Youth Laboratory of "Ecological regulation of soil quality" – project manager Natalia Evstegneeva (lecturer at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Management of the D.I. Ivanovsky Academy of Biology and Biotechnology). The purpose of the project: ranking of priority soil pollutants with assignment of hazard classes to them, updating and supplementing the relevant GOST are necessary to implement the Strategy of the Russian Federation for the transition to highly productive and environmentally friendly agriculture, obtaining competitive environmentally friendly agricultural products, ensuring food and environmental safety of the Russian Federation.

• The Mirror Youth Laboratory of the Southern Federal University and the Higher School of Economics "Interdisciplinary Security Studies in the trans-conflict Black Sea-Caucasus–Caspian region" - project leader Artem Peretyatko (PhD, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Regionalism and Eurasian Studies at the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies). Based on the mobilization of the research potential of young scientists from two universities (SFedU and HSE), the concept of a trans-conflict region will be substantiated (using the example of the Black Sea-Caucasus-Caspian macroregion) and tools for monitoring, expertise and forecasting its development based on the analysis of national models of socio-humanitarian security policy of states and state-territorial entities localized in this region will be developed space.

• The Research Laboratory "Historical and Archaeological Park" is headed by Alexander Nikolaevich Kovalenko (PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Archaeology and History of the Ancient World at the Institute of History and International Relations of the Southern Federal University). The creation of the laboratory is aimed at a comprehensive interdisciplinary scientific study of cultural heritage sites (archaeological monuments) of the Nizhnedonsky historical and cultural region. To implement the project, it is planned to combine efforts and attract specialists from different scientific fields: archaeologists, geologists, anthropologists, ichthyologists, archaeozoologists, geneticists, paleobotanists. The objects of study will be monuments of ancient times located in the estuary region of the Don, the main of which will be the nodal monument of the Scythian-ancient time on the Lower Don – the Elizabethan historical and cultural complex.

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