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Research Results of SFedU Employees were Published in the "Electronics" Journal


In the article “Distributed Sensory System of Surface Cracks Monitoring Based on Electrical Impedance Tomography", Professors the Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering Ryndin Evgeny and Konoplev Boris in cooperation with Irina Kulikova (Research and Production Enterprise “Istok" named after Shokin", Fryazino) proposed a method for constructing distributed sensor systems to monitor surface cracks in high-loaded structures on the basis of electroimpedance tomography.

In the article “Analytical Approach in the Development of RF MEMS Switches” , a head of the Department of Electronic Tools Design of the Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering Lysenko Igor, postgraduate student Tkachenko Alexey and master student Nikitin Alexander in cooperation with Elena Sherova (Taganrog Research Institute of Telecommunication) offered the structure of microelectromechanical signal switch with capacitive connection and low-voltage mode of operation. 

E.A. Ryndin, B.G. Konoplev and I.V. Kulikova. Distributed Sensory System of Surface Cracks Monitoring Based on Electrical Impedance Tomography (2018) Electronics (Switzerlad), 7, doi: 10.3390/electronics7080131.

I.E. Lysenko, A.V. Tkachenko, E.V. Sherova and A.V. Nikitin. Analytical Approach in the Development of RF MEMS Switches (2018) Electronics (Switzerlad), 7, doi: 10.3390/electronics7120415.

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